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               Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
            In ‘Dolemite Is My Name,’ a return to form for Eddie Murphy

            By JAKE COYLE                in  Toronto.  It  had  been  a                                                         “I came up in my career as
            Associated Press             while.  Murphy’s  last  two                                                            a  guerrilla  filmmaker.  You
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  It  took  leading  performances  —                                                                show  up  and  you  shoot.
            Eddie  Murphy  more  than  2016’s  “Mr.  Church”  and                                                               You  don’t  have  permits.
            a decade to get a movie  2012’s “A Thousand Words”                                                                  You  don’t  have  profes-
            made  about  Rudy  Ray  — were little seen and little                                                               sionals  help  you.  You  just
            Moore. Judging by the re-    loved.                                                                                 have  a  bunch  of  other
            sponse to the film at the To-  But “Dolemite Is My Name”                                                            people  like  you  who  have
            ronto International Film Fes-  was  a  passion  project  for                                                        a  blind  passion,”  Brewer
            tival, the wait was worth it.  the  58-year-old  comedi-                                                            said.  “Sometimes  those
            “Dolemite  Is  My  Name”  an.  He  long  ago  met  with                                                             passion  projects  turn  into
            drew  some  of  the  best  re-  Moore,  who  died  in  2008                                                         something wonderful even
            views  of  Murphy’s  career,  at the age of 81, to discuss                                                          though they’re terrible.”
            following  the  film’s  pre-  making a movie about the                                                              For “My Name Is Dolemite,”
            miere  over  the  weekend  comedian. Moore’s famous                                                                 the  reception  in  Toronto
                                                                      This image released by Netflix shows Eddie Murphy in a scene   was  electric  —  especially
                                                                      from “Dolemite Is My Name,” which will be shown at the Toronto   for  a  performance  that
                                                                      Film Festival.                                            for  many  recalled  Mur-
                                                                                                               Associated Press  phy’s performances of the
                                                                      character  —  the  straight-  on Oct. 25. It’s penned by  ‘80s.    During  the  stand-
                                                                      talking,  kung  fu-fighting  Scott  Alexander  and  Larry  ing  ovation  that  followed
                                                                      pimp  Dolemite  —  was  his  Karaszewski,  who  memo-     the  film’s  premiere,  cast
                                                                      stand-up persona and star  rably  wrote  another  tale  member  Keegan-Michael
                                                                      of  the  1975  Blaxploitation  about an inexpert filmmak-  Key suggested the lengthy
                                                                      classic “Dolemite.” “I never  er: “Ed Wood.”              applause  shouldn’t  stop
                                                                      let go of the idea. It was al-  “Dolemite  Is  My  Name”  for  Murphy.  “  The  film  has
                                                                      ways  something  I  thought  chronicles  the  ramshack-   helped  kick  off  a  come-
                                                                      could  be  a  great  movie.  le,  threadbare  making  of  back  for  Murphy.  After
                                                                      I  had  been  sitting  on  the  “Dolemite”  with  Wesley  years  of  working  seldom  if
                                                                      couch. I took some time to  Snipes    playing   director  at  all,  Murphy  is  currently
                                                                      do nothing,” Murphy said in  D’Urville Martin. It’s a pae-  shooting a sequel to “Com-
                                                                      an interview. “It goes back  an  to  low-budget  movie-   ing  to  America,”  also  with
                                                                      to  when  Rudy  was  alive.  I  making  and  a  celebration  Brewer directing and Snipes
                                                                      literally went to see him at  of  creating  something  out  co-starring.  Later  this  year,
                                                                      a  club.  It  just  didn’t  come  of nothing, outside a movie  the former “Saturday Night
                                                                      together. And there was no  system  that  made  scant  Live” castmember will host
                                                                      Netflix back then.”          room for African-American  the  show  for  the  first  time
                                                                      “Dolemite  Is  My  Name,”  stories.                       since 1984. And after years
                                                                      directed  by  Craig  Brewer  For  Brewer,  a  Memphis,  away from the stage, he’s
                                                                      (“Hustle & Flow”), will be re-  Tennessee, native, it’s a tes-  plotting  a  return  to  stand-
                                                                      leased by Netflix in theaters  tament to the independent  up, with a tour planned for
                                                                      Oct. 4 and begin streaming  filmmaking of his youth.      next summer. q

                                                                      Review: Tinariwen embodies

                                                                      the desert blues on ‘Amadjar’

                                                                      By PABLO GORONDI             lenges  humanity  is  facing
                                                                      Associated Press             around  the  world.  “Taqkal
                                                                      Tinariwen,      “Amadjar”  Tarha”  says  “Nothing  has
                                                                      (ANTI-)                      any  meaning  /  Days  fol-
                                                                      Tinariwen  don’t  need  to  low  each  other  and  look
                                                                      create  a  mythology  for  the same,” while “Wartilla”
                                                                      or  about  themselves.  The  claims  that  “The  hardest
                                                                      story of this Western African  thing  is  to  see  love  and   This  cover  image  released
                                                                      band  of  nomadic  Tuaregs  friendship disappear.”        by  ANTI-  shows  “Amadjar,”  a
                                                                      from  Mali  includes  exile,  Most,  however,  make  di-  release by ANTI- via AP.
                                                                      violent conflicts and an at-  rect and unmistakable allu-             Associated Press
                                                                      tachment to ancient tradi-   sions to their personal fates  Abdallah  Ag  Alhoussey-
                                                                      tions  informed  by  current  and   political   struggles.  ni,  the  resonance  of  their
                                                                      affairs.                     “Amalouna”  is  practically  deep voices magnificently
                                                                      Their latest release, “Amad-  a manifesto — “Today, our  matched  and  tempered
                                                                      jar,” is the epitome of desert  future  and  our  hope  is  an  by Lala and Aicha’s back-
                                                                      blues.  Recorded  under  a  armed return to our home-     ing vocals.
                                                                      tent in the sandy outskirts of  land”  and  “Kel  Tinawen”  The   instrumentation,   if
                                                                      Nouakchott, the capital of  warns  that  “Evil  tongues,  needed, can be carried on
                                                                      Mauritania, the setting pro-  you can keep talking / The  their backs: percussion and
                                                                      vides a more informal and  uprising  will  be  impossible  a  legion  of  electric  and,
                                                                      natural,  though  far  from  to suppress.”                featuring  probably  more
                                                                      laid-back, atmosphere.       The  dominant  singing  and  prominently  than  on  their
                                                                      Some  songs  reflect  the  songwriting  is  by  founder  latest   albums,   acoustic
                                                                      seemingly    similar   chal-  Ibrahim  Ag  Alhabib  and  guitars.q
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