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PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
Pyer Moss celebrates black culture
with fashion and music
By NEKESA MUMBI MOODY from black music, the black back; matching men’s and of black women in culture,
RAGAN CLARK church and other aspects women’s leather outfits specifically music.
Associated Press of the culture to pay lov- that recalled cowboy chic; He noted the often over-
NEW YORK (AP) — There ing tribute to what African and brilliant artwork em- looked Sister Rosetta Thar-
was a huge choir that
veered from stirring, soar- This cover image released
ing gospel, then spit vers- by Wicked Cool/Velvet
es from Cardi B and sang Elk shows “Sunset Kids,”
lines from Queen Latifah’s the latest release by Jesse
“U.N.I.T.Y.”; a spoken word Associated Press
artist who reminded the au-
dience that rock ‘n’ roll was NYC
invited by a black, queer troubadour
woman; and a stunning
collection of clothes that Jesse Malin
ran the gamut from casual
chic to red-carpet gowns, shines on
all modeled by black or
brown faces. ‘Sunset Kids’
“Sister,” Pyer Moss’ latest
production for New York By PABLO GORONDI
Fashion Week, was a bril- Associated Press
liant, irreverent and joy- Jesse Malin, “Sunset
ous celebration of black Kids” (Wicked Cool/
culture, specifically black Velvet Elk)
women — a show where Straighten out the turns
even the colorful, eye- in Jesse Malin’s career
catching garments proved and you’ll have yourself
to be just part of the story its a long road. From his
designer, Kerby Jean-Ray- prepubescent start on
mond, masterfully weaved the New York hardcore
together on Sunday night. scene to his days in the
“The whole thing is really to punkish D-Generation
recognize our worth, and and an extensive solo
us as black people, what résumé, the Flushing-
we’ve contributed to what born singer-songwriter
pop society is in America,” The Pyer Moss collection is modeled during Fashion Week, Sunday, Sept. 8, 2019 in New York. has produced plenty of
Jean-Raymond told The Associated Press highlights.
Associated Press after his You can put “Sunset
show ended a little before Americans have achieved. blazoned on casual outfits pe, who is considered by Kids” among them,
midnight. “What I aim to do Before the show began, (“Stranger Things” star Ca- many to be the rightful cre- an album where the
is to make disenfranchised spoken word artist Casey leb McLaughlin was one of ator of rock ‘n’ roll. ghosts of the punk years
people, black people, with Gerald noted the grim an- the models). “And I feel like black wom- permeate the lyrics
this series and minorities niversary currently being As captivating as the en are often erased from while the musical side
and women, know and marked worldwide — 400 clothes were, they were things, and I wanted to do hovers over the genres
understand how important years since the first en- hard to compete with the this specifically for black he’s mastered since his
they are to this thing called slaved Africans arrived in choir, which started slow women,” he said. solo debut, “The Fine
America right now.” the United States. and majestic, with a gos- It may have been spe- Art of Self-Destruction”
The first sign that the Pyer But instead of sorrow, Ger- pel song, then morphed to cifically for black women, — pop songs, rockers,
Moss was going to be ald emphasized freedom deliver snippets of popu- but the entire audience — alt-country/Americana
something out of the ordi- and noted “we have come lar works of contemporary which included celebrities and ballads that go
nary was its location: Miles here to say we ain’t gonna black singers, from Anita ranging from Fantasia to directly for the tear
from Manhattan, the up- grieve no more. we have Baker to Whitney Houston former NBA star Chris Bosh, ducts.
start fashion house held come tonight to say you to Missy Elliott: the audi- former NFL star Victor Cruz There’s a saying that
court on Flatbush Avenue, can’t hurt us no more.” ence roared as the choir and actress girlfriend Kar- something’s twice as
at the Kings Theatre, a With that, The Pyer Moss began to rap Elliott’s “The rueche Tran, and singer good if it’s brief and
venue sitting in one of the Tabernacle Drip Choir Rain,” and cheered when Normani — erupted in ap- the 14 songs on “Sunset
more culturally rich black Drenched in the Blood took it later segued to Cardi B’s plause as it was ending. Kids” — produced by
neighborhoods in Brooklyn, to the stage and began to “Money,” and erupted as it In the end, it was far more Lucinda Williams and
New York. sing. Dressed in formal black went into Adina Howard’s than a fashion show, which husband Tom Overby
Once inside the ornate against a white backdrop, “Freak Like Me.” is what Jean-Raymond — often stay around
and refurbished venue, a it was the perfect comple- Jean-Raymond beamed — who declared fashion the ideal three-minute
runway was fashioned in ment to the designs that about his choir afterward, shows boring and elitist — mark. Opener “Meet
front of the stage, and in would grace the runway. and noted that he had hoped to achieve. Me at the End of the
between stood a piano — Looks included a flowing wanted to have more than “I look at this as an art proj- World Again” is very 70s,
another hint that clothes white tunic with red trim 100 members, but “the ect, and I think the suc- like Lou Reed fronting
would be merely part of and matching white pants; stage structure couldn’t cess of it is bringing people the Rolling Stones and
the story Jean-Raymond a brilliant yellow-gold hold all of our swag.” closer to me than trying to Malin feeling like he’s
planned to tell. gown with long, billowing Jean-Raymond said he assimilate into whatever “at the wrong end of
What followed was a pro- sleeves, a skirt that flared at chose the songs to pay else people are doing,” he some else’s joke.”q
duction that borrowed the bottom and a cut-out tribute to the contributions said.q