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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 10 sepTember 2019
            Kennedy Center looks to the future with opening of The Reach

            By ASHRAF KHALIL                                                                                                    casual  place,”  Rutter  said.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “It’s  meant  to  be  used
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            spontaneously.”
            Kennedy  Center  is  unveil-                                                                                        Kennedy  Center  spokes-
            ing  a  massive  new  expan-                                                                                        woman Michelle Pendoley
            sion  designed  to  transform                                                                                       said the construction of The
            the  relationship  between                                                                                          Reach is part of an ongoing
            audience  and  artist  while                                                                                        Kennedy  Center  effort  to
            revitalizing  the  perform-                                                                                         draw a younger and more
            ing arts complex for a new                                                                                          diverse  audience  that  will
            generation.                                                                                                         ensure  the  longtime  future
            The new $250 million addi-                                                                                          of the institution. Inside the
            tion,  dubbed  The  Reach  ,                                                                                        building, staffers refer to the
            will open on Saturday with                                                                                          traditional   programming
            a  16-day  festival  featuring                                                                                      staples  by  the  acronym
            hundreds  of  free  perfor-                                                                                         SOB: symphony, opera and
            mances.                                                                                                             ballet.  But  recent  moves
            The 4.6-acre complex, built                                                                                         like the creation of a dedi-
            on  what  was  previously  a                                                                                        cated  department  of  hip-
            parking  lot  for  buses,  fea-                                                                                     hop  culture  are  meant  to
            tures  a  trio  of  white  build-                                                                                   expand beyond that core.
            ings designed by architect                                                                                          “The original Kennedy Cen-
            Steven  Holl  and  filled  with                                                                                     ter  is  monumental,”  she
            multi-purpose performance    In this Sept. 5, 2019 photo, workers walk atop a green roof at The Reach, an expansion of the   said. “This is meant to be on
            and rehearsal spaces.        Kennedy Center in Washington.                                                          more of a human scale.”
            Kennedy  Center  President                                                                         Associated Press  The 16-day opening festival
            Deborah  Rutter  says  The  sicians and dancers in mid-   The  legacy  of  President  signed to be used and ex-     will  feature  a  host  of  per-
            Reach’s  facilities  were  de-  rehearsal, while interactive  John  F.  Kennedy  is  literally  perienced in a completely  formances,  including  hip-
            signed to work as “the op-   facilities  offer  the  chance  branded on the walls of the  different way from the tra-  hop icons De La Soul. There
            posite of a concert hall.”   to create their own art.     new facilities.              ditional  Kennedy  Center  will also be multiple events
            Instead  of  the  inherently  While concert halls are pur-  Quotes  from  Kennedy  are  building.                   geared  toward  children
            passive  experience  of  sit-  pose-built  for  exactly  one  inscribed  in  multiple  plac-  Instead  of  “showing  up  and  organized  by  Mo  Wil-
            ting in seats and watching  type  of  use,  the  multiple  es  while  the  performance  dressed  nicely  in  time  for  lems,  the  famed  author  of
            artists  perform  from  an  el-  rooms of The Reach are all  and  rehearsal  spaces  are  the  8  p.m.  show,”  Rutter  the  “Elephant  and  Piggie”
            evated  stage,  Rutter  said  considered  “flex  spaces”  named  for  elements  of  said  visitors  can  show  up  series  and  the  Kennedy
            The Reach is meant to par-   --  designed  to  accommo-   Kennedy’s  life:  there’s  a  any  time  of  the  day  and  Center’s  new  Education
            tially  eliminate  the  division  date  rehearsals,  perfor-  hall named P.T. 109 for the  spontaneously  enjoy  the  Artist in Residence. Included
            between  artists  and  audi-  mances,  classes  or  social  WWII  torpedo  boat  that  facilities  --  which  include  among the sculptures scat-
            ence.                        functions.                   Kennedy commanded and  large  patches  of  green  tered  around  the  grounds
            Rehearsal    and    perfor-  “There’s  nothing  that’s  just  another  named  Macaroni  space  strewn  with  sculp-  of The Reach is a giant in-
            mance rooms feature giant  a  room,”  Rutter  said.  “It’s  for  Caroline  Kennedy’s  fa-  tures, a gourmet cafe and  flatable  pigeon  based  on
            windows and glass walls, al-  going to immersive, partici-  vorite pony.               free Wi-Fi.                  a recurring character from
            lowing visitors to watch mu-  patory and responsive.”     Rutter said The Reach is de-  “This  going  to  be  a  really  Willems’ books.q

            Turner Classic Movies hires its first African American host

            By JAKE COYLE                Stewart  said  in  an  inter-  die Muller and Dave Karg-
            Associated Press             view.  “If  my  presence  on  er.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Jac-     TCM  gets  people  interest-  Pola   Changnon,    senior
            queline  Stewart  has  been  ed in film history, especially  vice  president  of  market-
            named host of Turner Clas-   young  people  of  color,  to  ing, studio production and
            sic  Movies’  silent  movie  look at a body of work that  talent for TCM, says that as
            program  “Silent  Sunday  they might not think would  TCM has expanded its op-
            Nights,”  making  her  the  resonate  with  them,  that’s  erations  to  include  an  an-
            network’s    first   African  really important.”          nual film festival and classic
            American host in its 25 year  For  years  after  the  net-  movie-themed  cruise,  the
            history.                     work’s  founding  in  1994,  network  has  needed  “a
            TCM    on    Monday     an-  Robert  Osborne  was  the  deeper  bench”  of  talent.
            nounced the hiring of Stew-  sole  host  on  TCM.  In  2003,  Changnon  said  Stewart’s
            art,  a  professor  of  cinema  Ben Mankiewicz joined the  deep knowledge of film his-
            and  media  studies  at  the  network.  But  only  recently  tory and her engaging way
            University  of  Chicago  who  has  TCM  expanded  the  of  talking  about  it  made
            has specialized in the racial  number  of  personalities  her a natural fit.
            politics of film preservation.  that  introduce  and  give  “For  us,  it’s  a  chance  to
            She will make her TCM de-    context  to  the  classic  films  learn  from  her,  too,”  said
            but on Sunday.               that air on its commercial-  Changnon.  “With  classic    This  April  11,  2019  file  photo  shows  Jacqueline  Stewart  at  the
            “I  hope  that  as  a  host  at  less network. Last year, Ali-  movies,  there  are  certain   2019 TCM Classic Film Festival - Opening Night Gala for “When
            TCM  that  my  presence  cia  Malone  became  the  assumptions  about  who             Harry Met Sally” in Los Angeles.
            there will interest a greater  first  female  host  on  TCM.  got  to  tell  the  stories  and                                  Associated Press
            diversity  of  viewers  to  see  Also added in recent years  who was featured in these  guidance,  we’re  going  to  Oscar  Micheauxs  of  the
            what  there  is  to  watch,”  were “Noir Alley” hosts Ed-  movies.  With  Jacqueline’s  do  more  to  attend  to  the  world.”q
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