P. 10

                         Friday 17 May 2019
            Saudis blame Iran for drone attack amid calls for U.S.  strikes

                                                                                                                                cludes  the  UAE,  has  been
                                                                                                                                at  war  with  the  Houthis
                                                                                                                                since  2015,  carrying  out
                                                                                                                                near-daily  airstrikes.  The
                                                                                                                                pipeline  attack  marked
                                                                                                                                one of the rebels’ deepest
                                                                                                                                and most significant drone
                                                                                                                                strikes  inside  Saudi  territory
                                                                                                                                since the conflict began.
                                                                                                                                Washington  already  has
                                                                                                                                warned  shipping  compa-
                                                                                                                                nies  that  “Iran  or  its  prox-
                                                                                                                                ies”  could  be  targeting
                                                                                                                                maritime  traffic  in  the  Per-
                                                                                                                                sian Gulf region and said it
                                                                                                                                deployed  an  aircraft  car-
                                                                                                                                rier  strike  group  and  B-52
                                                                                                                                bombers  there  to  counter
                                                                                                                                the threat.
                                                                                                                                Last week, U.S. officials said
                                                                                                                                they  had  detected  signs
                                                                                                                                of  Iranian  preparations  for
                                                                                                                                potential  attacks  on  U.S.
                                                                                                                                forces  and  interests  in  the
                                                                                                                                Middle East but did not pro-
                                                                                                                                vide any evidence to back
                                                                                                                                up the claims.
                                                                                                                                The  U.S.  State  Department
                                                                                                                                has  ordered  all  nones-
                                                                                                                                sential  government  staff
                                                                                                                                to  leave  its  embassy  and
            People inspect the site of an airstrike by Saudi-led coalition in Sanaa, Yemen, Thursday, May, 16, 2019.            consulate in Iraq. Germany
                                                                                                               Associated Press  and  the  Netherlands  both
            By AYA BATRAWY               — that have crippled Iran’s  Ali  Shihabi,  who  runs  the  kingdom knows it is a main  suspended their military as-
            Associated Press             economy.                     Saudi-leaning Arabia Foun-   target  of  Shiite  Iran  and  sistance  programs  in  the
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-  Saudi  Prince  Khalid  bin  dation in Washington, said  there  is  no  room  for  dia-  country in the latest sign of
            ates  (AP)  —  Saudi  Arabia  Salman,   who    is   King  there’s  a  sense  that  if  the  logue with Tehran.      tensions.
            accused  Tehran  of  being  Salman’s  son  and  the  Iranians can get away with  A top Emirati diplomat said  European  nations  have
            behind  a  drone  strike  that  country’s  deputy  defense  targeting  Saudi  oil  infra-  late Wednesday the Saudi-  urged  the  U.S.  and  Iran  to
            shut  down  a  key  oil  pipe-  minister,   tweeted   that  structure,  then  “the  whole  led  coalition  fighting  the  show  restraint.  Also,  a  se-
            line  in  the  kingdom,  and  the  drone  attack  on  two  security  infrastructure  in  Houthis  in  Yemen  would  nior British officer in the U.S.-
            a  newspaper  close  to  the  Saudi  Aramco  pumping  the Gulf will be called into  “retaliate hard” for attacks  backed  coalition  fighting
            palace  called  for  Wash-   stations  running  along  the  question  and  security  pre-  on  civilian  targets,  without  the  Islamic  State  group,
            ington to launch “surgical”  East-West  pipeline  were  miums on oil will rise.”       elaborating.                 Maj. Gen. Chris Ghika, said
            strikes  on  Iran,  raising  the  “ordered  by  the  regime  in  He said it would seem that  However,  Anwar  Gargash  earlier this week that there
            specter  of  escalating  ten-  Tehran, and carried out by  Riyadh  would  like  to  co-  also  said  the  UAE  is  “very  had  been  no  increased
            sions  as  the  U.S.  boosts  its  the Houthis” — a reference  ordinate  with  Washington  committed  to  de-esca-  threat from Iranian-backed
            military presence in the Per-  to the Yemeni rebel group.  how it responds to Iran, but  lation”  after  the  alleged  forces in Iraq and Syria. His
            sian Gulf.                   A    state-aligned   Saudi  “eventually what may hap-     sabotage of the tankers off  comments  exposed  inter-
            Concerns  about  possible  newspaper  went  further,  pen is that just Saudi Arabia  the country’s coast. He de-    national  skepticism  over
            conflict  have  flared  after  running an editorial calling  and the UAE may have to  clined to blame Iran direct-  the U.S. military buildup.
            the  U.S.  dispatched  war-  for “surgical” U.S. strikes on  do something.”            ly, although he repeatedly  Iranian Foreign Minister Mo-
            ships  and  bombers  to  the  Iran  in  retaliation.  Iran  has  “Nobody is going to start a  criticized Tehran.    hammad  Javad  Zarif  said
            region  to  counter  an  al-  been  accused  by  the  U.S.  war  with  them  (Iran),  but  I  In response to the oil pipe-  during a visit to Tokyo that
            leged    but    unspecified  and  the  U.N.  of  supplying  think  they  should  be  de-  line  attack,  the  coalition  Iran has the right to respond
            threat from Iran. There also  ballistic  missile  technology  fanged  and,  you  know,  said  it  launched  airstrikes  to the “unacceptable” U.S.
            have been allegations that  and  arms  to  the  Houthis,  things  like  their  naval  ca-  on  Houthi  targets  in  the  sanctions,  but  has  exer-
            four oil tankers were sabo-  which Tehran denies.         pabilities,  things  like  their  rebel-held  capital,  Sanaa,  cised “maximum restraint.”
            taged Sunday off the coast  The  front-page  editorial  in  missile  capabilities  should  killing  at  least  six  people,  Speaking  about  Iran’s  nu-
            of the United Arab Emirates,  the  Arab  News,  published  be  downgraded  at  least  including  four  children.  At  clear deal with world pow-
            and  Iran-aligned  rebels  in  in  English,  said  it’s  “clear  to  make  their  capacity  to  least 40 other people were  ers, Zarif was quoted as also
            Yemen claimed responsibil-   that (U.S.) sanctions are not  inflict  such  dangerous  ac-  wounded,  according  to  saying: “A multilateral deal
            ity for Tuesday’s attack on  sending the right message”  tivity  more  painful,  more  Yemen’s Health Ministry.     cannot be treated unilater-
            the Saudi pipeline.          and that “they must be hit  costly,” Shihabi said.        Residents  of  Sanaa  scram-  ally.”
            The fears have grown out of  hard,”  without  elaborating  Saudi  Crown  Prince  Mo-   bled to pull wounded peo-    Iran  recently  said  it  would
            President  Donald  Trump’s  on specific targets.          hammed bin Salman, who  ple  from  the  rubble  of  a  resume  enriching  uranium
            decision  last  year  to  with-  It  said  the  Trump  adminis-  also  is  defense  minister  building hit by the airstrikes.  at higher levels if a new nu-
            draw the U.S. from the 2015  tration  had  already  set  a  and  controls  major  levers  Fawaz Ahmed told The As-  clear  deal  is  not  reached
            nuclear  accord  between  precedent  with  airstrikes  of power in the Sunni king-     sociated Press he saw three  by July 7. That would poten-
            Iran  and  world  powers  in  Syria,  when  the  govern-  dom, has not commented  bodies — a man, a woman  tially bring it closer to being
            and impose wide-reaching  ment there was suspected  publicly  on  this  week’s  in-    and  a  child,  all  buried  to-  able to develop a nuclear
            sanctions  —  the  latest  lev-  of  using  chemical  weap-  cidents. In a Saudi TV inter-  gether.                 weapon,  something  Iran
            ied as recently as last week  ons.                        view  in  2017,  he  said  the  The  coalition,  which  in-  insists it has never sought.q
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