P. 9

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 17 May 2019

            Facebook busts Israel-based campaign to disrupt elections

            By  ISABEL  DEBRE  and  RA-  them  from  coming  back,”  revealed  that  Archimedes  elections, since the revela-   campaigns for presidential
            PHAEL SATTER                 said Gleicher.               had  spent  some  $800,000  tion that Russia used Face-   elections.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Little  information  is  avail-
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Face-                                                                                           able  beyond  its  slogan,
            book    said   Thursday   it                                                                                        which  is  “winning  cam-
            banned  an  Israeli  com-                                                                                           paigns  worldwide,”  and
            pany that ran an influence                                                                                          a  vague  blurb  about  the
            campaign  aimed  at  dis-                                                                                           group’s “mass social media
            rupting elections in various                                                                                        management”      software,
            countries  and  has  can-                                                                                           which  it  said  enabled  the
            celed  dozens  of  accounts                                                                                         operation of an “unlimited”
            engaged  in  spreading  dis-                                                                                        number of online accounts.
            information.                                                                                                        The  site,  featuring  a  mon-
            Nathaniel  Gleicher,  Face-                                                                                         tage  of  stock  photos  from
            book’s  head  of  cyberse-                                                                                          Africa,  Latin  America  and
            curity policy, told reporters                                                                                       the  Caribbean,  boasts  of
            that  the  tech  giant  had                                                                                         its “own unique field within
            purged 65 Israeli accounts,                                                                                         the  social  media  realm”
            161  pages,  dozens  of                                                                                             and  its  efforts  to  “take  ev-
            groups and four Instagram                                                                                           ery  advantage  available
            accounts.                                                                                                           in  order  to  change  reality
            Although  Facebook  said                                                                                            according  to  our  client’s
            the  individuals  behind  the                                                                                       wishes.”
            network attempted to con-                                                                                           A  message  seeking  com-
            ceal  their  identities,  it  dis-                                                                                  ment  from  the  company
            covered  that  many  were    This July 16, 2013 file photo shows a sign at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.    was  not  immediately  re-
            linked  to  the  Archimedes                                                                        Associated Press  turned.
            Group,  a  Tel  Aviv-based                                                                                          Archimedes’  chief  execu-
            political  consulting  and  The  activity  appeared  fo-  on fake ads, paid for in Bra-  book to influence the 2016  tive  is  Elinadav  Heymann,
            lobbying  firm  that  boasts  cused   on   Sub-Saharan  zilian  reals,  Israeli  shekels  U.S. presidential election.  according to Swiss negotia-
            of its social media skills and  African  countries  but  was  and U.S. dollars. He said the  Thursday’s   disclosure,  tions consultancy Negotia-
            ability to “change reality.”  also  scattered  in  parts  of  deceptive ads dated back  which  Facebook  pointed  tions.CH, where he is listed
            Gleicher  said  Facebook  Southeast  Asia  and  Latin  to  2012,  with  the  most  re-  to  as  proof  of  its  acceler-  as one of the group’s con-
            could not speculate about  America.                       cent activity occurring last  ating “progress rooting out  sultants.
            Archimedes’        motives,  The fake pages, pushing a  month.                         abuse,”  underscored  the  A biography posted to the
            which  “may  be  commer-     steady  stream  of  political  Facebook  shared  a  few  extent to which private ac-   company’s  website  de-
            cial or political or for some  news,  racked  up  2.8  mil-  examples of the fake con-  tors are continuing to lever-  scribes Heymann as the for-
            other strategic goal.”       lion followers. Thousands of  tent,  including  one  post  age  the  platform  to  med-  mer director of the Brussels-
            But  he  said  Facebook  dis-  people  expressed  interest  mocking  2018  Congolese  dle  in  elections  and  sway  based  European  Friends
            covered  “coordinated  in-   in attending at least one of  presidential   candidate  public discourse.              of Israel lobbying group, a
            authentic  behavior,”  with  the  nine  events  organized  Martin Fayulu for crying foul  But  the  company’s  ef-  former  political  adviser  in
            accounts posing on behalf  by those behind the pages.  play  in  the  elections  that  forts to fight fake accounts  Israel’s  parliament  and  an
            of  certain  political  candi-  Facebook  could  not  con-  vaulted  Felix  Tshisekedi  to  are  “often  made  in  great  ex-intelligence  agent  for
            dates,  smearing  their  op-  firm  whether  any  of  the  victory. Many governments  haste,”    said   Jonathan  the Israeli air force.
            ponents  and  presenting  events  actually  occurred.  and       watchdog     groups  Klinger from the Israeli Digi-  Heymann  did  not  return
            as  local  news  organiza-   Some     5,000   accounts  condemned  the  elections  tal  Rights  Movement,  and  messages  left  with  Dan-
            tions  peddling  supposedly  joined  one  or  more  of  the  as rigged and declared Fa-  if  Archimedes  does  have  iel  Hardegger,  Negotions.
            leaked information.          fake groups.                 yulu the rightful winner.    legitimate  links  to  political  CH’s  managing  director.
            “Our  team  assessed  that  Gleicher said the accounts  Facebook  has  come  un-       parties  and  candidates,  Shortly after The Associated
            because  this  group  is  pri-  primarily  aimed  to  influ-  der  pressure  to  more  ag-  Facebook can expect a le-  Press  got  in  touch,  Hard-
            marily  organized  to  con-  ence  people  in  Nigeria,  gressively  and  transpar-    gal battle.                  egger  said  that  Heymann
            duct  deceptive  behavior,  Senegal, Togo, Angola, Ni-    ently tackle misinformation  On  its  website,  Archime-  requested  that  his  biogra-
            we are removing them from  ger and Tunisia.               aimed  at  sowing  division  des  presents  itself  as  a  phy  be  removed  from  the
            the  platform  and  blocking  Facebook     investigations  and   confusion   around  consulting  firm  involved  in  site.q
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