P. 11
WORLD NEWS Friday 17 May 2019
About 500 people test positive for HIV in Pakistani district
Pakistani health officials apparently started when ter Raza and others tested
have said HIV is usually local physician Muzaffar positive for the virus. Police
spread in the country by us- Ghangharo, who has AIDS, are still trying to determine
ing unsterilized syringes. infected patients in early whether Ghangharo know-
Authorities say the HIV April. Ghangharo was ar- ingly spread the disease to
outbreak in Larkana was rested earlier this month af- others.q
A Pakistani doctor screens villagers for HIV at a hospital in a
village near Ratodero, a small town in southern province of
Sindh in Pakistan where the outbreak of deadly disease took
place last month, Thursday, May 16, 2019.
Associated Press
By MUHAMMAD FAROOQ “We were in great pain the
Associated Press day we heard about our
RATODERO, Pakistan (AP) son testing HIV positive,”
— Nothing seemed un- she told The Associated
usual to Rehmana Bibi, the Press on Thursday.
mother of 10-year-old Ali Bibi said it was heartbreak-
Raza, when the boy came ing to learn that her child
down with a fever at their contracted HIV at such a
home in the dusty, largely young age. She said all her
neglected district of Larka- family members have been
na in southern Pakistan. tested for the virus that at-
Bibi took her son to a local tacks the immune system,
doctor, who prescribed but Raza was found to be
paracetamol syrup for Raza the only victim.
and told her there was no Bibi said she has had sleep-
need to worry. But she pan- less nights from worrying
icked after being alerted and has been looking af-
that several children who ter her son since early this
initially came down with a month when he was con-
fever had tested positive firmed HIV-positive. She
for HIV in nearby villages. said she wants to see her
Alarmed, Bibi took Raza son healthy and fully recov-
to a hospital where medi- ered as soon as possible.
cal tests confirmed the Sikandar Memon, head of
boy was among about 500 the AIDS Control Program
people, mostly children, in Sindh province, said offi-
who authorities say tested cials have screened 13,800
positive for the virus, which people from Larkana and
can lead to AIDS. A local 410 children and 100 adults
physician who has AIDS has tested positive for HIV.
since been arrested and is Nationwide, Pakistan’s
being investigated for pos- Health Ministry has regis-
sibly intentionally infecting tered over 23,000 HIV cas-
patients. es.
Small plane crashes near
Dubai’s busy airport, killing 4
By JON GAMBRELL Diamond DA62 with a tail
Associated Press number belonging to Flight
DUBAI, United Arab Emir- Calibrations Service Ltd. of
ates (AP) — A small plane Shoreham, England. The
involved in upgrading a UAE’s General Civil Avia-
runway at Dubai Inter- tion Authority said all four
national Airport crashed people on board, three
Thursday night, killing four British citizens and one
people and halting traffic South African, were killed in
at the world’s busiest air- the crash that took place 3
port for international travel miles (5 kilometers) south of
for nearly an hour. the airport. The airport said
Authorities gave no expla- it halted flights from 7:36
nation for what caused p.m. until 8:22 p.m. over the
the crash of the aircraft, a crash. q