P. 12

                         Friday 17 May 2019
            Mediation in Norway aims to resolve Venezuela crisis

            By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA                                                                                              Washington Office on Latin
            Associated Press                                                                                                    America.
            CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)                                                                                             “It’s  become  pretty  clear
            — Diplomatic efforts aimed                                                                                          neither  has  been  able  to
            at  resolving  Venezuela’s                                                                                          impose    their   dominant
            crisis accelerated on Thurs-                                                                                        strategy  on  the  other,”  he
            day  as  the  government                                                                                            said.
            and opposition sent envoys                                                                                          Ramsey  added  that  the
            to  talks  in  Norway,  though                                                                                      Venezuelan  envoys  would
            the  two  sides’  mutual  mis-                                                                                      have to resist pressure from
            trust and differences on key                                                                                        allies  who  don’t  want  to
            issues  could  prevent  any                                                                                         compromise.
            quick solution.                                                                                                     Guaidó confirmed that en-
            The  Norwegian  attempt                                                                                             voys  were  in  Norway,  but
            to  mediate,  confirmed  by                                                                                         warned that the opposition
            opposition  officials,  comes                                                                                       won’t enter into any “false
            amid  tensions  that  ex-                                                                                           negotiation.”
            ploded into street violence                                                                                         He said any talks on resolv-
            when the opposition called                                                                                          ing  the  Venezuelan  crisis
            in vain for a military uprising                                                                                     must  lead  to  the  end  of
            on  April  30.  Details  about                                                                                      President Nicolás Maduro’s
            the   initiative,   including                                                                                       government,  its  replace-
            whether  envoys  from  op-                                                                                          ment  by  a  transitional  ad-
            posing camps would even                                                                                             ministration  and  free  and
            negotiate  directly,  were   Venezuela’s opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido speaks during   fair elections.
            scarce.                      a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce, in Caracas, Venezuela, Thursday, May 16, 2019.   Maduro disputes opposition
            But  it  coincides  with  dip-                                                                     Associated Press  claims  that  his  reelection
            lomatic  efforts  elsewhere:  Tamil  Tiger  rebel  negotia-  made several trips to Cara-  of the sensitivity of the initia-  last  year  was  illegitimate
            Opposition  leader  Juan  tors.  Seven  years  ago,  ne-  cas.                         tive.                        and says U.S. sanctions im-
            Guaidó  said  in  Caracas  gotiators  from  the  Colom-   Per Wiggen, an official from  Without  elaborating,  Mad-  posed on Venezuela to try
            that  he  planned  to  meet  bian government and left-    Norway’s  Ministry  of  For-  uro  said  Rodríguez  was  on  to oust him should be lifted.
            a delegation from a mostly  wing FARC rebels held their  eign  Affairs,  did  not  con-  a  “very  important”  mission  Participation in the media-
            European group of nations  first direct talks in a decade  firm  planned  talks  in  Oslo,  outside Venezuela.      tion  effort  is  a  reversal  for
            later  Thursday,  and  Cana-  in Norway.                  though  Norway  has  urged  The  myriad  diplomatic  ef-  the  opposition,  which  has
            dian Foreign Minister Chrys-  The   Norwegian    Centre  the  two  sides  to  talk  since  forts reflect a recognition in  accused  Maduro  of  us-
            tia  Freeland  met  Thursday  for  Conflict  Resolution  has  February.  Minister  Ine  Erik-  Venezuela that neither side  ing  previous  negotiations
            with Cuban Foreign Minister  worked behind the scenes  sen Soereide told lawmak-       has  been  able  to  prevail  between  2016  and  2018
            Bruno Rodríguez in Havana.   since last year to bring the  ers on March 5 that Norway  in  the  struggle  for  power,  to  play  for  time.  Maduro,
            Norway  has  hosted  secret  two  sides  in  Venezuela  to-  could be a mediator.      leaving  the  country  in  a  in  turn,  alleges  the  oppo-
            peace talks over the years.  gether. In October, it spon-  The  representatives  in  Nor-  state  of  political  paralysis  sition  tried  to  seize  power
            They  include  the  negotia-  sored  an  initiative  to  bring  way  include  Information  after years of hyperinflation  by force. U.S. officials have
            tions  between  Israelis  and  a  Harvard-trained  conflict  Minister Jorge Rodríguez on  and shortages of food and  said  they  are  focusing  on
            Palestinians  in  September  resolution  expert  to  Cara-  the  government  side  and  medicine.                   diplomatic  and  econom-
            1993,  talks  between  the  cas  to  foster  dialogue.  In  Stalin  González,  a  leading  “You  don’t  negotiate  be-  ic  measures  to  force  out
            Philippines    government  recent  months,  with  the  member of the opposition-       cause you want to. You ne-   Maduro. However, Guaidó
            and  Maoist  rebels  in  2011,  support  of  Norway’s  for-  controlled  congress,  ac-  gotiate because you have  said  his  Washington  envoy
            and  the  brokering  of  a  eign  ministry  and  diplo-   cording  to  opposition  offi-  to,”  said  Geoff  Ramsey,  would meet with the head
            2002  cease-fire  between  mats based in Bogota, Co-      cials  who  spoke  on  condi-  a  Venezuela  researcher  of  the  U.S.  Southern  Com-
            Sri Lankan government and  lombia,  its  representatives  tion of anonymity because  at  the  nongovernmental  mand on Monday.q
                                                                      Mexico City closes schools,

                                                                      restricts traffic due to smoke

                                                                      MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex-     weekend,”      Sheinbaum  The  activists  said  the  city
                                                                      ico City officials cancelled  said.                     should  include  extremely
                                                                      classes  for  millions  of  stu-  She  said  a  light,  localized  small particles as a cause
                                                                      dents  Thursday  for  a  sec-  rain  overnight  had  done  for  imposing  emergency
                                                                      ond straight day as smoke  little  to  cut  the  pollution,  measures.  Such  particles
                                                                      from brush fires continued  which remained at about  are  frequently  found  in
                                                                      to choke the city of 9 mil-  1 ½ times acceptable lim-  smoke, diesel exhaust and
                                                                      lion.                       its.                        dust.  Emergency  mea-
                                                                      Both  lower  schools  and  The  city  also  declared  a  sures  are  currently  im-
                                                                      universities  were  closed  partial  driving  ban,  but  posed  mainly  for  ozone
                                                                      for the pollution alert and  activists of the Citizen Ob-  levels.
                                                                      Mayor     Claudia   Shein-  servatory  on  Air  Quality  The group said “forest fires
                                                                      baum said they would re-    called Thursday for officials  are unfortunately going to
               A man wearing a face mask crosses a street backdropped
               by  the  National  Palace  shrouded  by  haze,  in  the  Zocalo,   main closed Friday.  to  limit  polluting  activities  be an ever more frequent
               Mexico City’s main square, Thursday, May 16, 2019.     “We don’t expect this situ-  like  truck  transportation  problem  as  a  result  of
                                                     Associated Press  ation  to  change  until  the  and construction sites.  global warming.”q
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