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                Tuesday 27 November 2018

            Latin America in flux as G20 leaders descend on the region

            By LUIS ANDRES HENAO                                                                                                deal may be signed during
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the G-20 summit, though it
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                                                           won't  take  effect  until  ap-
            (AP)  —  Argentina  had                                                                                             proval  by  the  countries'
            hoped to show off its newly                                                                                         legislatures.
            market-friendly   economy                                                                                           There's  also  uncertainty
            to the world when the G-20                                                                                          about  the  potential  poli-
            group  of  the  world's  top                                                                                        cies  of  Mexican  President-
            economies  begins  its  first                                                                                       elect Andres Manuel Lopez
            South American summit this                                                                                          Obrador,  who  will  skip  the
            week.  Instead  it's  looking                                                                                       summit because he's being
            for help to avoid an all-out                                                                                        sworn in on Saturday.
            crisis.                                                                                                             The left-leaning leader has
            The  two-day  meeting  that                                                                                         tried  to  ease  concerns
            starts  Friday  is  meant  to                                                                                       among  the  business  com-
            focus  on  development,  in-                                                                                        munity, but he upset many
            frastructure  and  food  se-                                                                                        when  he  recently  can-
            curity, but most of the talk                                                                                        celed a partly built, $13 bil-
            on the sidelines is expected                                                                                        lion new airport on the out-
            to center on trade disputes                                                                                         skirts of Mexico City. He has
            between the U.S. and Chi-                                                                                           vowed, however, to avoid
            na  and  the  signing  of  the                                                                                      tax hikes and to adopt tight
            new  North  American  free                                                                                          budget austerity.
            trade deal.                   In this Aug. 30, 2018 file photo, people walk past an exchange house in Buenos Aires,   Argentina's  Pedro  Villagra
            Argentina, a darling of Wall   Argentina.                                                          Associated Press  Delgado,  the  lead  orga-
            Street just a year ago, finds                                                                                       nizer for the G-20 acknowl-
            itself  hosting  the  summit  stoked protests that are ex-  will seize on this moment to  ing Brazil itself."       edged  last  week  that  it
            while  scrambling  for  inter-  pected  to  re-ignite  during  confirm  international  sup-  Monica de Bolle, senior fel-  might  not  be  possible  to
            national  aid  to  fend  off  a  the summit.              port from other G-20 coun-   low  at  the  Peterson  Insti-  reach a consensus on a fi-
            collapse.                    Still,   President   Mauricio  tries" that are leading credi-  tute  for  International  Eco-  nal statement.
            "The  original  vision  for  Ar-  Macri will want to show im-  tors  of  the  IMF,  said  Julio  nomics,  said  Brazil  will  be  "Everything   might   fall
            gentina  was  to  use  the  provements in international  Burdman,  a  Buenos  Aires-   focused  more  on  relations  through if there is no agree-
            G-20  to  showcase  that  it  relations  during  his  three  based political analyst and  with  the  U.S.  and  less  on  ment on the trade issue," he
            had transformed the econ-    years  in  office  after  more  pollster.                 regional  integration  with  said. "It would be a shame
            omy,  and  instead  it  wel-  than  a  decade  of  protec-  Macri  is  also  expected  to  Mexico or the South Ameri-  because  there  is  a  huge
            comes world leaders to the  tionist  policies  under  the  make  a  renewed  push  for  can trade bloc Mercosur.    amount of issues where we
            economic  wreckage.  So,  populist  governments  of  Argentina's        membership  "I think that agenda is now  do have an agreement."
            the  timing  is  inconvenient,  President  Cristina  Fernan-  into  the  Organization  for  out the window, at least it's  While  the  U.S.-China  trade
            to say the least," said Ben-  dez  and  her  late  husband  Economic    Cooperation  dropped from the Brazilian  conflict is far from being the
            jamin  Gedan,  an  Argenti-  and  predecessor,  Nestor  and Development.               perspective," she said.      only issue at the G-20, ana-
            na expert at the Woodrow  Kirchner.                       Meanwhile,     neighboring  For Mexico, there are ques-   lysts said it is likely to cast a
            Wilson International Center  Even  with  the  economy  in  Brazil  and  the  other  Latin  tions about whether "there  cloud over the summit.
            for  Scholars."Instead  of  a  turmoil, Macri has resolved  American  member,  Mexi-   really  is  any  interest  in  en-  "The  U.S.-China  dynamic
            showcase,  the  G-20  is  an  a  longstanding  legal  dis-  co, are both in political flux,  gaging  with  the  region  or  has poisoned all multilater-
            opportunity to plead for in-  pute  with  creditors  that  with one veering to further  if the interest lies elsewhere  al  forums.  There's  basically
            ternational support."        gave  Argentina  renewed  right and the other left.       given  that  Brazil  is  going  nothing  you  can  do  but
            Argentina  was  forced  to  access  to  global  credit  Brazilian  President  Michel  to  have  an  antagonistic,  you  know  hope  for  a  mir-
            obtain  a  record  $56  billion  markets  for  the  first  time  a  Temer  will  be  replaced  I  think,  administration  with  acle  and  even  a  miracle
            credit line from the Interna-  default  in  2001-2002.  He  on  Jan.  1  by  rightist  Jair  respect  to  Mexico  given  looks modest," said Gedan
            tional  Monetary  Fund  re-  has also improved relations  Bolsonaro,  who  has  often  the ultra-conservative right-  of the Wilson Center.
            cently following a currency  with the U.S. after years of  expressed  admiration  for  wing politics that Bolsonaro  "What is unthinkable is any
            crisis and spiraling inflation.  animosity  under  his  prede-  Trump,  criticized  multilat-  espouses."           progress  at  the  G-20  itself.
            The  peso  has  depreciated  cessors,  keeping  friendly  eralism  and  vowed  to  re-  Mexico  and  Canada  re-    As I said recently on Twitter,
            by more than half this year  ties both with U.S. President  negotiate  or  scrap  trade  cently reached agreement  quoting  an  Argentine  offi-
            and  consumer  prices  are  Donald Trump and Chinese  deals.  Like  Trump,  he  has  with  the  Trump  administra-  cial I spoke to, they would
            estimated to have risen by  leader Xi Jinping.            also been skeptical of Chi-  tion on a revamped version  be satisfied with a commu-
            about 45 percent. Growing  "Argentina  is  in  a  critical  nese  investment,  saying  of the North American Free  nique that did nothing but
            frustration over massive lay-  moment when it comes to  "the  Chinese  are  not  buy-  Trade Agreement between  compliment the weather in
            offs  and  poverty  has  also  international  debt  and  it  ing  in  Brazil.  They  are  buy-  the  two  nations,  and  the  Buenos Aires."q

              Venezuela holds onto prized US refineries amid legal battle

              Associated Press                   ezuela on Friday began paying off  targeted  Citgo  refineries,  poten-  That  enables  them  to  hold  onto
              CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Ven-     $1.4 billion that a panel said was  tially forcing Venezuela to sell off  their  refineries.Russ  Dallen  of
              ezuela will hold onto its U.S.-based  owed to the Canadian mining firm  its most valuable foreign asset.  Miami-based  Caracas  Capital
              Citgo  refineries,  settling  a  lawsuit  Crystallex,  following  a  disputed  Papers filed  in a Canadian court  Markets  says  the  payment  shows
              that threw ownership of the strug-  takeover of the company by the  say Venezuela recently paid Crys-     Venezuela's  changing  tactics  —
              gling  country's  prized  assets  into  late-President Hugo Chavez.   tallex $425 million, while agreeing  from  fighting  creditors  to  striking
              peril.Court papers show that Ven-  To recoup its losses, Crystallex had  to make good on the rest by 2021.  deals.q
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