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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 27 November 2018

            7 nooses found by Mississippi Capitol before Senate runoff

            By  EMILY  WAGSTER  PET-                                                               Confederate soldier, and a  the nooses and signs were
            TUS, Associated Press                                                                  video showing her praising  found  starting  shortly  be-
            JACKSON,  Miss.  (AP)  —                                                               a  supporter  by  saying,  “If  fore 8 a.m. Monday outside
            State  and  federal  investi-                                                          he  invited  me  to  a  public  the  Capitol  in  downtown
            gators are trying to find out                                                          hanging, I’d be on the front  Jackson.
            who hung seven nooses in                                                               row.” She said the hanging  The  matter  is  under  inves-
            trees outside the Mississippi                                                          remark  was  an  “exagger-   tigation  by  the  Mississippi
            Capitol  early  Monday,  a                                                             ated expression of regard”  Department of Public Safe-
            day  before  a  U.S.  Senate                                                           for  the  supporter,  but  the  ty, Mississippi Capitol Police
            runoff that has focused at-                                                            remarks  drew  sharp  criti-  and  the  U.S.  attorney’s  of-
            tention  on  the  state’s  his-                                                        cism  in  a  state  with  a  38  fice.
            tory of racist violence.                                                               percent  black  population.  “With our law enforcement
            The  Mississippi  Department                                                           She apologized “to anyone  partners,  we  are  actively
            of  Public  Safety  says  the                                                          that was offended.”          looking  into  these  acts  of
            nooses were accompanied      In this photo provided by WLBT-TV a noose hangs on a tree on   Espy  is  trying  to  become  hate and intimidation,” U.S.
            by  handwritten  signs  refer-  the state capitol grounds in Jackson, Miss. on Monday, Nov. 26,   the  first  African-American  Attorney  Mike  Hurst  said  in
            ring  to  Tuesday’s  election   2018.                                                  U.S. senator from Mississippi  a  statement.  “Let  me  be
            as  well  as  to  lynchings  —                                       Associated Press.  since Reconstruction.       perfectly  clear  —  there  is
            most of them in the state’s  sought  information  about  one who respects the lives  Neither  Espy  nor  a  Hyde-   absolutely  no  place  in  our
            turbulent past, but also one  them from the public.       of lynch victims.”           Smith  campaign  spokes-     state  for  these  unaccept-
            recent  case  that  remains  One  sign  referred  to  the  Another  sign  read:  “We’re  woman  would  comment  able  symbols  or  tactics  to
            under  investigation,  of  a  Tuesday  runoff  between  hanging  nooses  to  remind  on the nooses.                 intimidate others. If we find
            black  man  whose  body  appointed Republican Sen.  people  that  times  haven’t  Chuck McIntosh, a spokes-         evidence  beyond  a  rea-
            was found hanging in cen-    Cindy  Hyde-Smith,  who  is  changed.”                    man  for  the  Mississippi  sonable  doubt  that  a  fed-
            tral  Mississippi.  The  depart-  white, and Democrat Mike  Hyde-Smith  has  drawn  fire  Department  of  Finance  eral  crime  has  occurred,
            ment posted photos of the  Espy, who is black. The sign  for  a  photo  showing  her  and  Administration,  which  these criminals will be swift-
            signs  on  social  media  and  also read: “We need some-  wearing a replica hat of a  oversees  the  Capitol,  said  ly prosecuted.”q

            Slick roads, blowing snow delay air, road travel in Midwest

            By  NOREEN  NASIR,  Associ-                                                            of Aviation says more than  and paid the price. So I was
            ated Press                                                                             1,200 flights were canceled  able to spend the evening
            CHICAGO (AP) — A wintry                                                                at  O’Hare  between  mid-    here  at  beautiful  O’Hare
            storm  brought  blizzard-like                                                          night  and  3  p.m.  Monday,  and  had  plenty  of  com-
            conditions  to  parts  of  the                                                         after  700  flights  at  the  air-  pany,”  said  Mark  McCoy,
            Midwest  early  Monday,                                                                port  were  canceled  Sun-   referring  to  all  the  other
            grounding    hundreds    of                                                            day.  At  Midway  Interna-   travelers  stranded  at  the
            flights  and  causing  scores                                                          tional  Airport,  where  123  travel  hub.  “It’s  all  part  of
            of  accidents  and  at  least                                                          flights  were  canceled  on  the  Thanksgiving  travel  ex-
            one  death  on  slick  roads                                                           Sunday,  another  71  flights  perience,” McCoy said.
            crowded  with  people  re-                                                             had  been  canceled  as  of  One  couple  was  faced
            turning from work after the                                                            midnight.                    with an unexpectedly long
            Thanksgiving weekend.                                                                  One  Chicago  native  try-   layover  in  Chicago  after
            The  Chicago  area  was                                                                ing  to  fly  to  Orlando,  Flor-  spending  two  weeks  with
            slammed with up to a foot                                                              ida,  chided  himself  for  not  their  son  in  Thailand.  Bob
            (30  centimeters)  of  wet    Crews de-ice an American Airlines plane at O’Hare Internation-  heeding  the  forecast,  but  Kernez, 61, said he and his
            snow, and whiteout condi-     al Airport on Monday, Nov. 26, 2018, in Chicago.         maintained his sense of hu-  wife  were  contemplating
            tions stalled commuter traf-                                         Associated Press.  mor.                        getting a hotel room in the
            fic  on  the  roads.  The  Na-  of  snow  fell  at  Chicago’s  centimeters) fell at Midway   “I knew it was right around  city but were unsure if they
            tional Weather Service said   O’Hare  International  Air-  International Airport.      the  corner,  and  behold  I  wanted  to  leave  the  air-
            7.5 inches (19 centimeters)   port  and  4.9  inches  (12.5  The  Chicago  Department   stayed that one extra day  port. q
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