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                Tuesday 27 November 2018

            ‘Flawless’: NASA craft lands on Mars after perilous journey

            By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aero-                                                               ning. “This is what we really  Project manager Tom Hoff-
            space Writer                                                                           hoped  and  imagined  in  man  said  the  spacecraft
            CAPE    CANAVERAL,     Fla.                                                            our mind’s eye,” he added.  landed  close  to  the  bull’s-
            (AP) — A NASA spacecraft                                                               “Sometimes things work out  eye,  but  NASA  did  not
            designed to drill down into                                                            in your favor.”              have yet have the final cal-
            Mars’  interior  landed  on                                                            NASA  Administrator  Jim  culations.
            the planet Monday after a                                                              Bridenstine,  presiding  over  He  said  that  it  was  hard
            perilous, supersonic plunge                                                            his first Mars landing as the  to  tell  from  the  first  photo
            through  its  red  skies,  set-                                                        space agency’s boss, said:  whether  there  were  any
            ting  off  jubilation  among                                                           “What an amazing day for  slopes  nearby,  but  that  it
            scientists  who  had  waited                                                           our country.”                appeared  he  got  the  flat,
            in  white-knuckle  suspense                                                            InSight,  part  of  a  $1  billion  smooth  “parking  lot”  he
            for  confirmation  to  arrive                                                          international  mission,  fea-  was hoping for.
            across  100  million  miles  of                                                        tures  a  German-led  me-    Museums,      planetariums
            space.                                                                                 chanical mole that will bur-  and  libraries  across  the
            Flight controllers at NASA’s   From left, NASA officials Jim Bridenstine, Michael Watkins, Tom   row down 16 feet (5 meters)  U.S. held viewing parties to
                                         Hoffman,  Bruce  Banerdt,  Andrew  Klesh  and  Elizabeth  Barrett
            Jet  Propulsion  Laboratory   make statements under a photograph sent from Mars by the In-  to  measure  the  planet’s  watch the events unfold at
            in  Pasadena,  California,   Sight lander at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Monday, Nov.   internal  heat.  Nothing  has  JPL. NASA TV coverage was
            leaped  out  of  their  chairs,   26, 2018, in Pasadena, Calif.                        ever dug deeper into Mars  also  shown  on  the  giant
            screaming,  dancing  and                                             Associated Press.  than  several  inches.  The  screen in New York’s Times
            hugging,  upon  learning  “Touchdown  confirmed!”         control room as the space-   lander  also  has  a  French-  Square, where crowds hud-
            that InSight had arrived on  a  flight  controller  called   craft  made  its  six-minute  made   seismometer   for  dled under umbrellas in the
            Mars,  the  graveyard  for  a  out  just  before  3  p.m.  EST,   descent.             measuring  quakes,  if  they  rain.
            multitude  of  previous  mis-  instantly dispelling the anxi-  Because  of  the  distance  exist  on  our  smaller,  geo-  The  800-pound  (360-kilo-
            sions.                       ety  that  had  gripped  the   between  Earth  and  Mars,  logically calmer neighbor.  gram)  InSight  is  stationary
                                                                      it  took  eight  minutes  for  Another  experiment  will  and  will  operate  from  the
                                                                      confirmation  to  arrive,  re-  calculate Mars’ wobble to  same spot for the next two
                                                                      layed by a pair of tiny sat-  reveal  the  makeup  of  the  years,  the  duration  of  a
                                                                      ellites  that  had  been  trail-  planet’s core.          Martian year. Its first job was
                                                                      ing  InSight  throughout  the  “In the coming months and  to  get  a  fast  picture  out.
                                                                      six-month,  300-million-mile  years  even,  history  books  The next task was unfolding
                                                                      (482-million-kilometer)  jour-  will be rewritten about the  its solar panels. NASA want-
                                                                      ney.                         interior of Mars,” said JPL’s  ed  to  wait  16  minutes  for
                                                                      The  two  satellites  not  only  director, Michael Watkins.  the dust to settle before at-
                                                                      transmitted the good news  Many  Mars-bound  space-       tempting that; it was await-
                                                                      in  almost  real  time,  they  craft launched by the U.S.,  ing word Monday night on
                                                                      also sent back InSight’s first  Russia and other spacefar-  how that went.
                                                                      snapshot  of  Mars  just  4½  ing  countries  have  been  It will take months to set up
                                                                      minutes after landing.       lost  or  destroyed  over  the  and  fine-tune  the  instru-
                                                                      The  picture  was  speckled  years, with a success rate of  ments. Lead scientist Bruce
                                                                      with  dirt  because  the  dust  just 40 percent, not count-  Banerdt  said  he  doesn’t
                                                                      cover was still on the land-  ing InSight.                expect  to  start  getting  a
                                                                      er’s  camera,  but  the  ter-  NASA  went  with  its  old,  stream  of  solid  data  until
                                                                      rain  at  first  glance  looked  straightforward  approach  late next spring, and it may
                                                                      smooth  and  sandy  with  this  time,  using  a  para-    take  the  entire  mission  to
                                                                      just one sizable rock visible  chute and braking engines  really get the goods.
                                                                      — pretty much what scien-    to get InSight’s speed from  “It’s going to be awesome.
                                                                      tists  had  hoped  for.  Better  12,300  mph  (19,800  kph)  I  can’t  wait  to  start  see-
                                                                      photos are expected in the  when  it  pierced  the  Mar-  ing  marsquakes,”  Hoffman
                                                                      days ahead.                  tian atmosphere, about 77  said.
                                                                      It was NASA’s — indeed, hu-  miles  (114  kilometers)  up,  Mars’  well-preserved  inte-
                                                                      manity’s — eighth success-   to 5 mph (8kph) at touch-    rior  provides  a  snapshot
                                                                      ful  landing  at  Mars  since  down. The danger was that  of  what  Earth  may  have
                                                                      the 1976 Viking probes, and  the spacecraft could burn  looked  like  following  its
                                                                      the first in six years. NASA’s  up  in  the  atmosphere  or  formation  4.5  billion  years
                                                                      Curiosity  rover,  which  ar-  bounce off it.             ago,  according  to  Ba-
                                                                      rived  in  2012,  is  still  on  the  The  three-legged  InSight  nerdt. While Earth is active
                                                                      move on Mars.                settled on the western side  seismically,  Mars  “decided
                                                                      “Flawless,”  declared  JPL’s  of Elysium Planitia, the plain  to rest on its laurels” after it
                                                                      chief  engineer,  Rob  Man-  that  NASA  was  aiming  for.  formed, he said.q
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