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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Tuesday 27 November 2018

            Global trade is at stake as Trump and Xi come face to face

            By PAUL WISEMAN, AP Eco-                                                                                            only on Chinese goods but
            nomics Writer                                                                                                       also on imported steel and
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  To                                                                                             other  goods  from  other
            hear    President   Donald                                                                                          countries.
            Trump tell it, he was made                                                                                          “We  need  some  certain-
            for  a  moment  like  this:  A                                                                                      ty,”  said  Craig  Allen,  presi-
            high-stakes face-off. A tick-                                                                                       dent of the U.S.-China Busi-
            ing clock. A cagey adver-                                                                                           ness Council and a former
            sary.                                                                                                               American diplomat.
            The  man  who  calls  himself                                                                                       “The U.S. and China cannot
            a  supreme  dealmaker  will                                                                                         go into a trade war and not
            have  the  opportunity  this                                                                                        affect global markets ... We
            week to put himself to the                                                                                          need  to  resolve  our  differ-
            test. The question is whether                                                                                       ences.” Yet as Trump and Xi
            he can defuse a trade war                                                                                           prepare to meet, the back-
            with China that is shaking fi-                                                                                      drop is hardly encouraging.
            nancial markets and threat-                                                                                         Acrimony between the two
            ening the global economy                                                                                            sides disrupted this month’s
            —  and  perhaps  achieve                                                                                            Asia Pacific Economic Co-
            something  approximating                                                                                            operation summit in Papua
            a breakthrough.                                                                                                     New Guinea.
            Trump  is  to  meet  with  his                                                                                      The 21 APEC countries, torn
            Chinese  counterpart,  Xi                                                                                           by  differences  between
            Jinping,  during  the  Group                                                                                        Beijing  and  Washington,
            of  20  summit  in  Buenos  Ai-                                                                                     failed  to  agree  on  a  dec-
            res,  Argentina,  on  Friday                                                                                        laration on world trade for
            and  Saturday.  Unless  the   In this Nov. 9, 2017, file photo, U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping par-  the first time in nearly three
            two  leaders  can  achieve   ticipate in a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China.      decades.  Vice  President
            a  truce  of  sorts,  their  con-                                                                 Associated Press.  Mike  Pence  and  Xi  sniped
            flicts will likely escalate: On  know, it’s not like, ‘Oh, gee,  tory  tactics  in  its  drive  to  higher import tax.  at each other in speeches.
            Jan. 1, the tariffs Trump has  I’m  going  to  sit  down  and  supplant  America’s  tech-  Growing concerns that the  Then  last  week,  U.S.  Trade
            imposed on many Chinese  study.’  I  know  every  stat.  nological  dominance.  The  trade  war  will  increasingly  Rep.  Robert  Lighthizer  is-
            goods  are  set  to  rise  from  I  know  it  better  than  any-  administration  alleges  —  hurt  corporate  earnings  sued  a  report  charging
            10  percent  to  25  percent,  body knows it. And my gut  and  many  trade  experts  and the U.S. economy are  China’s efforts to steal U.S.
            and Beijing would likely re-  has always been right.”     agree — that Beijing hacks  a key reason why U.S. stock  trade  secrets  have  “in-
            taliate.                     Most  trade  analysts  are  into  U.S.  companies’  net-  prices  have  been  sinking.  creased  in  frequency  and
            Most  analysts  have  said  skeptical  that  any  signifi-  works to steal trade secrets  As  of  Friday’s  close,  the  sophistication” this year de-
            they  doubt  Trump  and  Xi  cant agreement is likely this  and  forces  American  and  Standard  &  Poor’s  500  in-  spite American sanctions.
            will reach any overarching  week.                         other foreign companies to  dex has shed roughly 10 of  “China  fundamentally  has
            deal  that  would  settle  the  “Expectations  should  be  hand  over  sensitive  tech-  its value since setting a re-  not  altered  its  acts,  poli-
            dispute for good.            very low,” said Wendy Cut-   nology as the price of ac-   cord high Sept. 20.          cies, and practices related
            The  optimistic  view  is  that  ler,  vice  president  of  the  cess to China’s market.  Joining  other  forecasters,  to  technology  transfer,  in-
            the  two  sides  may  agree  Asia  Society  Institute  and  Beijing  disputes  those  al-  economists  at  the  Organi-  tellectual property, and in-
            to  a  cease-fire  that  would  a  former  U.S.  trade  official  legations  and  asserts  that  zation for Economic Co-op-  novation,  and  indeed  ap-
            buy time for more substan-   who  negotiated  with  Chi-  Trump’s    sanctions   are  eration  and  Development  pears to have taken further
            tive talks and postpone the  na.    “We  need  to  be  very  merely  an  effort  to  hinder  last  week  downgraded  unreasonable  actions  in
            scheduled escalation in U.S  clear-eyed. It’s going to be  an ambitious rival.         their outlook for global eco-  recent months,” the report
            import taxes.                a very difficult negotiation.  Besides  the  scheduled  es-  nomic growth next year to  concluded.
            Yet  no  one  really  knows.  The  issues  at  hand  don’t  calation  in  U.S.  tariffs  on  3.5 percent from a previous  The  tenor  of  the  report
            Each side seems prepared  lend  themselves  to  quick  $200  billion  in  Chinese  3.7 percent.                     suggested  that  the  United
            to  wait  out  the  other  in  a  solutions.”             goods — an additional $50  In doing so, they cited the  States  would  take  a  hard
            conflict  that  could  persist  The trade war erupted last  billion in Chinese imports al-  trade conflict as well as po-  line  into  this  week’s  talks.
            indefinitely.                fall  after  Trump  imposed  ready  face  the  higher  tax  litical uncertainty.       In  the  meantime,  “the
            In  advance  of  the  meet-  import taxes on $250 billion  —  another  threat  looms:  Some  big  U.S.  companies,  amount  of  uncertainty  is
            ing, Trump has sounded his  of Chinese goods, and Bei-    Trump  has  threatened  to  in reporting quarterly earn-  unprecedented  and  very
            usual note of boastful confi-  jing retaliated with tariffs on  tax $267 billion more in Chi-  ings  in  October,  warned  disquieting to the markets,”
            dence. Speaking to report-   U.S. exports. The justification  nese imports.            that  they  were  absorbing  said Allen of the U.S.-China
            ers on Thanksgiving Day, he  for the U.S. move, accord-   At that point, just about ev-  higher  costs  from  Trump’s  Business Council.
            said:                        ing to Trump, is that Beijing  erything Beijing ships to the  increased   tariffs,   which
            “I’m  very  prepared.  You  has  long  deployed  preda-   United States would face a  have  been  imposed  not              Continued on Page 5
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