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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 27 November 2018

            Germany marks 20th anniversary of Nazi looted art agreement

            By DAVID RISING                                                                                                     can  be  accessed  any-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    where in the world for peo-
            BERLIN (AP) — German of-                                                                                            ple seeking to find possibly
            ficials,  Jewish  leaders  re-                                                                                      looted property.
            searchers and others have                                                                                           Despite frustrations with the
            marked  the  20th  anniver-                                                                                         process, Stuart Eizenstat, an
            sary  of  the  international                                                                                        adviser to the U.S. State De-
            agreement  on  returning                                                                                            partment on Holocaust-era
            art looted by the Nazis with                                                                                        issues  who  helped  negoti-
            new  pledges  and  propos-                                                                                          ate  the  Washington  Prin-
            als aimed at breathing new                                                                                          ciples, said a “very sizable”
            life into the process.                                                                                              number of Nazi-looted art-
            Culture  Minister  Monika                                                                                           works  had  been  restored
            Gruetters said Monday it is                                                                                         to their owners. Austria has
            Germany’s responsibility to                                                                                         restituted  30,000  cultural
            improve upon the so-called                                                                                          objects  and  Germany  re-
            Washington  Principles  to   Monika Gruetters, Germany’s culture minister, right, and Stuart Eizenstat, special advisor to the U.S.   turned  more  than  16,000,
            restore  cultural  objects  to   state department, attend a conference on looted art on occasion of the 20th anniversary of the   including  5,746  art  objects
            their  original  Jewish  own-  Washington principles in Berlin Monday, Nov. 26, 2018.                               and 11,700 books, he said.
            ers or heirs, noting that their                                                                    Associated Press  But,  Eizenstat  said,  many
            meaning goes beyond the  most  original  owners  are  tion house Christie’s can re-    cism,  Gruetters  said  Ger-  more  changes  are  need-
            purely financial.            deceased.                    view  100,000  pieces  every  many is establishing a “help  ed.
            “Behind every stolen object  Ronald  Lauder,  head  of  year,  but  France  cannot  desk”  that  will  aid  anyone  Those  include  all  countries
            is the fate of an individual,”  the  World  Jewish  Con-  figure out 2,000 pieces in 20  interested  in  filing  a  claim.  recognizing the forced sale
            she said.                    gress,  said  many  countries  years.”                    In  addition,  in  the  past  of  art  was  a  form  or  plun-
            The  Washington  Principles  are   effectively   ignoring  In  Germany,  Lauder  said  where both a museum and  dering  Jewish  valuables,
            were drafted in 1998 to as-  the  Washington  Principles,  the country’s “commitment  the heir to an artwork had  like  Germany  does,  and
            sist  in  resolving  issues  relat-  noting  specific  problems  to  Holocaust  awareness  is  to decide to take a case to  that  private  auction  hous-
            ed to returning Nazi-confis-  in  Hungary,  Poland,  Spain,  exemplary”  but  that  there  arbitration, that is now be-  es  follow  the  lead  of  So-
            cated art and were signed  Switzerland     the   Nether-  have been problems in the  ing changed so that a reso-    theby’s  and  Christie’s  and
            by more than three dozen  lands and France.               return  of  Nazi-looted  art,  lution can be sought by an  institutionalize  provenance
            countries  —  acknowledg-    For  example,  France  had  which  he  said  are  “more  heir  without  the  museum’s  research of all art they sell.
            ing that many items did not  60,000  artworks  returned  institutional than personal.”  agreement.                  He  also  echoed  Lauder’s
            remain  in  Germany  after  to it after the war, of which  Among  other  things,  he  The  single-party  consent  comments  that  all  coun-
            the war.                     15,000  were  unclaimed.  said  that  the  commission  applies  only  to  museums  tries  that  agreed  to  the
            There  are  also  the  issues  Some  2,000  of  the  best  set  up  to  mediate  claims  under  federal  jurisdiction  Washington Principles need
            of  art  sold  by  Jews  flee-  were  given  to  French  mu-  has only looked at 15 cas-  but officials hope the thou-  to  live  up  to  their  commit-
            ing Nazi Germany at rock-    seums,  and  the  rest  were  es  in  15  years,  and  that  sands of state-run museums  ments.
            bottom  prices  to  finance  sold.                        navigating  the  country’s  will follow suit.             “There  is  simply  no  excuse
            their  escape  or  to  support  “For  20  years  France  has  “byzantine  bureaucracy”  Germany  also  plans  to  in-  in the 21st century for cov-
            themselves  in  their  new  not been able to figure out  is  a  challenge  for  anyone  crease  its  research  into  eting Nazi looted art, and it
            homelands, and also trying  who owns those 2,000 works  looking to research or file a  finding heirs, and put more  does not speak well for the
            to determine who the right-  in  their  museums,”  Lauder  claim.                      information  about  its  col-  countries  that  do  so,”  he
            ful heirs are today now that  said.  “Somehow  the  auc-  In  response  to  such  criti-  lections online so that they  said.q
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