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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 27 November 2018

            After dispute with Russia, Ukraine leader seeks martial law

            By NATALIYA VASILYEVA                                                                                               which  separates  the  Black
            VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV                                                                                                 Sea from the Sea of Azov,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    injuring  six  Ukrainian  sea-
            MOSCOW (AP) — Ukraine's                                                                                             men and eventually seizing
            president    on    Monday                                                                                           the vessels and their crews.
            urged  parliament  to  im-                                                                                          It was the first open military
            pose  martial  law  in  the                                                                                         confrontation between the
            country  to  fight  "growing                                                                                        two neighbors since the an-
            aggression from Russia," af-                                                                                        nexation of Crimea.
            ter a weekend naval con-                                                                                            Ukraine said its vessels were
            frontation  off  the  disputed                                                                                      heading to the Sea of Azov
            Crimean Peninsula in which                                                                                          in  line  with  international
            Russia  fired  on  and  seized                                                                                      maritime  rules,  while  Rus-
            three   Ukrainian   vessels                                                                                         sia charged that they had
            amid renewed tensions be-                                                                                           failed  to  obtain  permission
            tween the neighbors.                                                                                                to pass through the narrow
            Western  leaders  and  dip-                                                                                         strait  that  is  spanned  by
            lomats urged both sides to                                                                                          a  19-kilometer  (11.8-mile)
            de-escalate  the  conflict,                                                                                         bridge that Russia complet-
            and the U.S. blamed Russia                                                                                          ed this year.
            for what it called "unlawful                                                                                        While  a  2003  treaty  desig-
            conduct" over Sunday's in-                                                                                          nates  the  Kerch  Strait  and
            cident in the Black Sea.                                                                                            Sea of Azov as shared ter-
            Russia and Ukraine blamed                                                                                           ritorial  waters,  Russia  has
            each  other  in  the  dispute                                                                                       sought  to  assert  greater
            that  further  ratcheted  up   Chairman of the Ukrainian General Staff Viktor Muzhenko, bottom, speaks during a parliament   control  over  the  passage
            tensions ever since Moscow   session in Kiev, Ukraine, Monday, Nov. 26, 2018.                      Associated Press  since the annexation.
            annexed  Crimea  in  2014                                                                                           Ukrainian  Foreign  Minister
            and  threw  its  weight  be-  sion from Russia."          al, Poroshenko sought to al-  election.                   Pavlo Klimkin tweeted that
            hind  separatists  in  eastern  The proposed measures in-  lay those fears by releasing  Poroshenko's proposal also  the dispute was not an ac-
            Ukraine  with  clandestine  cluded  a  partial  mobiliza-  a statement that revised his  outraged  far-right  groups  cident and that Russia had
            support,  including  troops  tion and strengthening the  original proposal from a 60-  in Ukraine that have advo-   engaged  in  "deliberately
            and weapons.                 country's air defense. It also  day period of martial law to  cated  severing  diplomatic  planned  hostilities,"  while
            Ukrainian  President  Petro  contained vaguely worded  just 30 days, in order to "do  ties  with  Russia.  Hundreds  Russian Foreign Minister Ser-
            Poroshenko asked lawmak-     steps  such  as  "strengthen-  away  with  the  pretexts  for  of  protesters  from  the  Na-  gey  Lavrov  blamed  Kiev
            ers in Kiev to institute martial  ing" anti-terrorism measures  political speculation."  tional  Corps  party  waved  for what he described as a
            law, something the country  and "information security."   Oksana  Syroid,  a  deputy  flares  in  the  snowy  streets  "provocation," adding that
            has  not  done  even  during  The  proposal,  which  could  speaker of parliament, not-  of  Kiev  outside  parliament  "Ukraine  had  undoubtedly
            the worst of the fighting in  curtail  certain  rights  and  ed that martial law was not  and accused the president  hoped  to  get  additional
            the  east  that  killed  about  freedoms,  was  met  with  introduced in 2014 or 2015  of  using  martial  law  to  his  benefits from the situation,
            10,000 people.               suspicion  from  Poroshen-   despite large-scale fighting  own ends.                   expecting the U.S. and Eu-
            Poroshenko said martial law  ko's  critics  who  wondered  in the east.                But   Poroshenko   insisted  rope  to  blindly  take  the
            was necessary because of  why Sunday's incident mer-      A  state  of  emergency  that  it  was  necessary  be-    provocateurs' side."
            intelligence about "a highly  ited a state of emergency.   "would present a wonderful  cause  what  happened  in  Klimkin told reporters in Kiev
            serious  threat  of  a  ground  Poroshenko's   approval  chance to manipulate the  the  Kerch  Strait  between  that  the  government  is  in
            operation against Ukraine."  ratings  have  been  plung-  presidential  elections,"  she  Crimea  and  the  Russian  talks with the Red Cross to
            He did not elaborate.        ing, and martial law could  said.                         mainland  "was  no  acci-    make sure the captive sea-
            "Martial  law  doesn't  mean  mean  that  a  presiden-    NATO     Secretary-General  dent," adding that "this was  men are treated as prison-
            declaring  a  war,"  he  said.  tial   election   scheduled  Jens  Stoltenberg  said  Po-  not  the  culmination  of  it  ers  of  war.  Kremlin  spokes-
            "It  is  introduced  with  the  for  March  might  be  post-  roshenko  assured  him  that  yet."                   man Dmitry Peskov did not
            sole  purpose  of  boosting  poned.                       should martial law be intro-  Russian  coast  guard  ships  say  whether  the  Kremlin
            Ukraine's  defense  in  the  Just before the parliament  duced,  it  would  not  have  fired on the Ukrainian navy  considers them prisoners of
            light  of  a  growing  aggres-  was to vote on the propos-  a  negative  impact  on  the  vessels  near  the  strait,  war.q
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