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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 27 November 2018

            Global trade is at stake as Trump and Xi come face to face

            Continued from Page 4        Clouding  the  outlook  are  went  on  CNBC  and  dis-    The   administration   and  about tumbling stock pric-
                                         mixed  messages  from  the  missed  Navarro’s  remarks  the  European  Union,  for  es,  and  Xi  is  contending
            Trump himself sought Mon-    Trump administration.        as “way off base.”           instance, reached a truce  with  a  decelerating  Chi-
            day  to  increase  the  pres-  The  White  House  appears  “They were not authorized  last  summer  that  suspend-  nese economy.
            sure on China.               divided  between  hawks  by anybody,” Kudlow said.  ed  threatened  U.S.  tariffs  A truce would bring at least
            In  an  interview  with  The  like  Trump’s  trade  adviser,  “I actually think he did the  on European auto imports.  a temporary calm.
            Wall  Street  Journal,  Trump  Peter  Navarro,  and  free  president  a  great  disser-  “My personal guess — and  “No one is expecting they
            said it was “highly unlikely”  traders  like  the  top  White  vice.”                  I’m  sticking  my  neck  out  will  come  out  with  a  solid
            that he would agree to Bei-  House  economic  adviser,  Regardless  of  which  ap-     here — is that there will be  agreement,”  said  Quincy
            jing’s  request  to  suspend  Larry Kudlow.               proach  Trump  takes  to  some  kind  of  cease-fire  Krosby,  chief  market  strat-
            the tariff hikes that are set  On  Nov.  9,  Navarro  deliv-  Buenos  Aires,  Trump  and  agreed  to,”  said  Matthew  egist  at  Prudential  Finan-
            to take effect Jan. 1.       ered a combative speech  Xi  don’t  have  to  resolve  Goodman, a senior adviser  cial.  “What  the  market
            And he repeated his threat  suggesting     that   Trump  their differences this week.  on Asian economics at the  wants  —  what  the  market
            to  target  an  additional  didn’t  care  what  Wall  A cease-fire that suspends  Center for Strategic and In-      needs  —  is  a  sense  that
            $267  billion  in  Chinese  im-  Street  thought  of  his  con-  any  further  escalation  of  ternational Studies.  they  are  negotiating  and
            ports  with  tariffs  of  10  per-  frontational China policy.  the U.S. tariffs wouldn’t be  Goodman   noted   that  that  the  negotiations  will
            cent or 25 percent.          Four  days  later,  Kudlow  unprecedented.                Trump appears concerned  continue.”q

            Associate of Trump confidant Stone says he’ll reject plea

            By  CHAD  DAY  and  ERIC                                                                                            other  documents  pertain-
            TUCKER, Associated Press                                                                                            ing  to  the  2016  U.S.  presi-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  An                                                                                             dential election.”
            associate  of  Trump  con-                                                                                          Corsi’s lawyer, David Gray,
            fidant  Roger  Stone  said                                                                                          declined  to  comment,  as
            Monday that he is rejecting                                                                                         did  Peter  Carr,  a  spokes-
            a  plea  offer  in  the  special                                                                                    man  for  special  counsel
            counsel’s  Russia  investiga-                                                                                       Robert Mueller.
            tion.                                                                                                               Corsi told the AP last week
            In an email to The Associat-                                                                                        that  he  was  in  plea  nego-
            ed Press, Corsi, a conserva-                                                                                        tiations with Mueller’s office
            tive author who has pushed                                                                                          and had earlier said on his
            conspiracy  theories,  said                                                                                         YouTube  show  that  he  ex-
            he planned to reject a po-                                                                                          pected  to  be  indicted  for
            tential plea deal with pros-                                                                                        making false statements.
            ecutors.                                                                                                            Corsi  has  said  he  cooper-
            He did not elaborate, but in                                                                                        ated  with  the  probe  for
            earlier interviews with other                                                                                       about two months after he
            news    organizations,   he                                                                                         received  a  subpoena  in
            said  he  had  been  offered   In this Oct. 7, 2008, file photo, Jerome Corsi, right, arrives at the immigration department in Nai-  August. As part of that co-
            a  chance  to  plead  guilty   robi, Kenya.                                                                         operation,  he  turned  over
            to  a  single  count  of  lying                                                                   Associated Press.  two  computers  and  a  cell
            to investigators. He said he  tioned  Corsi,  a  former  weeks of the 2016 presiden-   WikiLeaks’ plans.            phone  and  provided  the
            planned to reject that offer  Washington  bureau  chief  tial  election.  Those  emails  ABC  News  reported  that  FBI access to his email ac-
            because it would force him  of InfoWars, as prosecutors  included  messages  from  Corsi had provided copies  counts and tweets.
            to  admit  to  willfully  lying,  scrutinize  Stone’s  possible  John  Podesta,  the  chair-  of a draft plea agreement  Stone  has  denied  being  a
            which he insisted he did not  connections to WikiLeaks.   man  of  Democrat  Hillary  in  which  he  would  have  conduit  for  WikiLeaks  and
            do.                          American       intelligence  Clinton’s campaign.          admitted to lying about an  has not been charged. He
            “They can put me in prison  agencies  have  said  Rus-    Mueller  is  trying  to  deter-  email about an associate’s  has  said  he  did  not  have
            the  rest  of  my  life,”  Corsi  sia  was  the  source  of  the  mine  whether  Stone  and  “request  to  get  in  touch  advance  knowledge  of
            told CNN. “I am not going  hacked  material  released  other  associates  of  Presi-   with  an  organization  that  the  source,  content  or  ex-
            to sign a lie.”              by  the  anti-secrecy  web-  dent  Donald  Trump  had  he understood to be in pos-     act timing of the WikiLeaks
            Mueller’s  team  has  ques-  site WikiLeaks in the closing  advance  knowledge  of  session of stolen emails and  release.q
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