Page 10 - ATA 7 JAN 2017
P. 10
Saturday 7 January 2017
ter has been published, not be as extensive as what editorial management of
they will be compiled into a eventually will appear in this newspaper has agreed
book to be published and the book. Alumni of the Oil to make one page avail-
sold for the benefit of the Companies School of Tripoli able to have one chapter
Queen Wilhelmina Cancer and members of the former published every week. If
Foundation of Aruba. All Libya expatriate commu- you would like to have fu-
profits, 100%, will go to that nity have expressed an in- ture (and past) chapters
foundation. If you want to terest in the English version. sent to you in your elec-
reserve a copy, you can Convinced that the Aruba tronic mailbox when you
do so by contacting the Today readers also would are back home, just send
author at the email address be interested in the stories me your email address. I’ll
below. Because of space of an Aruban on the shores be happy to add you to
constraints, the material of Tripoli and eager to sup- my subscribers. I would also
that is published weekly port the Queen Wilhelmina welcome your comments.
(text and pictures) might Cancer Foundation, the
An Aruban in Libya
Continued from Page 13
Before he passed away, he eyes filled with tears and I
had told Mama Valenza almost choked trying to say
to save the wine for a very a few words expressing our
special occasion. gratitude. This Aruban in
“Tonight,” said Franco, Libya was indeed emotion-
“that special occasion ally overcome experienc-
has arrived. We are say- ing personally and from
ing goodbye to the coun- close by, the end of the
try where we were born to Italian colonial era for one
start a new life in the coun- family.
try of our fathers. We are
happy to have our dear This is the 18th of 22 chapters
friends Clyde and Beatriz in English of my book origi-
here to share with us this nally published in Papia-
special night.” Beatriz’s mento. After the last chap-