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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 7 January 2017
                       Airport shooting

                               Continued from front
            Santiago  arrived  in  Fort   through about three mag-
            Lauderdale after taking off   azines  before  running  out
            from Anchorage aboard a      of ammunition, Lea said.
            Delta flight Thursday night,   “He  threw  the  gun  down
            checking  only  one  piece   and  laid  spread-eagle  on
            of luggage — his gun, said   the ground until the officer
            Jesse Davis, police chief at   came up to him,” Lea said.
            the Anchorage airport.       The  gunman  was  arrested
            At  Fort  Lauderdale,  “after   unharmed,  with  no  shots
            he  claimed  his  bag,  he   fired  by  law  enforcement
            went  into  the  bathroom    officers,  and  was  being
            and  loaded  the  gun  and   questioned  by  the  FBI,
            started shooting. We don’t   Sheriff Scott Israel said.
            know  why,”  said  Chip  La-  The   condition   of   the
            Marca, a Broward County      wounded  was  not  dis-
            commissioner  who  was       closed.
            briefed by investigators.    President  Barack  Obama
            The  bloodshed  is  likely  to   was  briefed  by  his  Home-
            raise  questions  of  whether   land  Security  adviser,  the
            aviation   safety   officials   White  House  said.  Presi-
            need to change the rules.    dent-elect  Donald  Trump
            The  attack  also  exposed   said  that  it  is  a  “disgrace-
            another  weak  point  in  air-  ful  situation  that’s  hap-  Joined by law enforcement officials, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, center, speaks during a news
            port  security:  While  travel-  pening in our country and   conference outside Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport, Friday, Jan. 6, 2017, in Fort
            ers  have  to  take  off  their   throughout the world” and   Lauderdale, Fla.
            shoes,  put  their  carry-on   that it was too soon to say                                                                     Associated Press
            luggage through X-ray ma-    whether  it  was  a  terrorist
            chines  and  pass  through   attack.                      said  that  he  didn’t  know  ployed to Iraq in 2010 and  ago had gone AWOL sev-
            metal  detectors  to  reach   Santiago’s  brother,  Bryan,   what his brother was being  spent a year there with the  eral  times  during  his  stint
            the gates, many other sec-   told the AP that his brother   treated  for  and  that  they  130th  Engineer  Battalion,  with  the  Alaska  National
            tions  of  airports,  such  as   had  been  receiving  psy-  never talked about it over  according  to  Puerto  Rico  Guard  and  was  demoted
            ticket  counters  and  bag-  chological  treatment  in    the telephone.               National  Guard  spokes-     — from specialist to private
            gage  claim  areas,  are     Alaska. He said Santiago’s   He  said  Esteban  Santiago  man Maj. Paul Dahlen. He  first  class  —  and  given  a
            more  lightly  secured  and   girlfriend  alerted  the  fam-  was  born  in  New  Jersey  later joined the Alaska Na-  general  discharge,  which
            more vulnerable to attack.   ily to the situation in recent   and moved to Puerto Rico  tional Guard.               is lower than an honorable
            In  2013,  a  gunman  with  a   months.  Bryan  Santiago   when he was 2. He was de-   The  Pentagon  said  Santi-  discharge.q
            grudge  against  the  Trans-
            portation Security Adminis-
            tration shot and killed one
            of  the  agency’s  screeners
            and  wounded  three  oth-
            ers  during  a  rampage  at
            Los  Angeles  International
            Last  November,  an  airline
            worker was shot and killed
            near  an  employee  park-
            ing lot at Oklahoma City’s
            airport, and in 2015 a ma-
            chete-wielding  man  was
            shot  to  death  after  he  at-
            tacked federal security of-
            ficers  at  the  New  Orleans
            “While we have authorized
            doubling  the  number  of
            TSA canine teams to try to
            prevent  tragedies  like  this,
            the  fact  is  that  wherever
            there  are  crowds,  such  as
            at  our  airports,  we  remain
            vulnerable  to  these  types
            of attacks,” Nelson said.
            The  Fort  Lauderdale  gun-
            man  said  nothing  as  he
            “went  up  and  down  the
            carousels of the baggage
            claim,  shooting  through
            luggage to get at people
            that were hiding,” accord-
            ing  to  Lea.  The  killer  went
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