Page 9 - ATA 7 JAN 2017
P. 9

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 7 January 2017

            An Aruban in Libya

                             Stories of my years (1966 – 1973) with ESSO in Tripoli

              Chapter 18 - Ghadafi brings an end to the Italian colonial era

            Humiliation,   intimidation,                                                           Italians  could  come  and   situation, we preferred not
            confiscation  of  all  proper-                                                         take their places, but they-  do  anything  in  writing.For
            ties  and  deportation  of  all                                                        had to respect the Libyans   reasons I cannot divulge, I
            Italians from Libya.                                                                   and treat them as equals.    was chosen to go to Rome
            For  many,  this  was  their                                                           He  ordered  all  Italians  ex-  to  personally  arrange  for
            country,  most  were  born                                                             pulsed  from  Libya,  even  if   the  transfer  of  funds  to
            here and now they must go                                                              they had been born in the    Esso  Italia  so  that  the  ex-
            into exile.                                                                            country  and  he  expropri-  employees  would  receive
            Exiled Italian leaving Tripoli                                                         ated  most  of  their  posses-  her  money  there.  And  so,

            When I arrived at the King
            Idris  International  Airport
            on October 7, 1967, I could
            not  imagine  that  15  years
            after  Libya  had  become
            an  independent  country,
            the Italian presence would
            still be so conspicuous. Ali-
            talia was obviously very im-                                                           sions, valued at more than   with the help of an Aruban
            portant. It had more planes                                                            130 million US dollars.      in  Libya,  one  Italian  man-
            there  than  Libya  Airlines.                                                                                       aged to get what the Gha-
            On the highway into Tripoli                                                            Even  the  Italian  cathedral   dafi  government  wanted
            most of the cars were Fiats                                                            was    expropriated!   The   to take from her.
            and one could not miss the                                                             copper chandeliers wound
            many  Agip  gasoline  sta-                                                             up in the copper “souks” in   I had another very moving
            tions  with  the  six-legged                                                           the  Medina,  the  old  sec-  experience  related  to  the
            dog  as  logo.  Alitalia,  Fiat                                                        tion of Tripoli. My wife and   expulsion of another Italian
            and Agip are iconic Italian                                                            I wound up buying four of    friend. My wife Beatriz and
            brands.  Most  of  the  street                                                         them  and  converted  two    I were invited to a farewell
            names in Tripoli still began                                                           of  them  into  table  lamps.   dinner at the home of the
            with “via”, Italian for street.                                                        They  still  form  part  of  the   family  of  Franco  Valenza.
            The  Italian  word  ‘POSTA’                                                            furniture  of  my  house  in   We  had  met  Franco  and
            was still carved in the con-                                                           Aruba.                       his wife Joan in Switzerland
            crete of the front wall of the                            tions.                                                    during our Christmas skiing
            post office in the center of   During the first years of Mus-                          One  of  the  deported  Ital-  vacation  near  St.  Gallen
            Tripoli,  another  legacy  of   solini’s  dictatorship,  thou-  After  the  fall  of  Mussolini’s   ians  was  a  female  fellow   and  we  remained  close
            the Italian colonial era.    sands of Italians moved to   Italy  in  1943,  Libya  be-  workerin  the  Accounting   friends.  We  were  surprised
                                         Libya. In just one year, 1938,   came  a  protectorate  of
            The  history  of  Libya  as  an   Italy sent 20 thousand farm-  the  Allied  forces,  but  the   Department  of  Esso  Libya.   that  we  were  the  only
                                                                                                   We  helped  her  get  em-
                                                                                                                                guests, butJoan explained
            Italian  colony  began  in   ers  to  develop  food  pro-  position  of  the  Italians  did   ployment  with  Esso  Italia   that  we  were  not  guests,
            1911 when it was captured    duction on a relatively nar-  not change. In 1951 Libya   in  Rome,  but  by  law  we   we  were  family.    Franco
            from  Ottoman  Turkey  un-   row strip of land stretching   became  an  independent    could not refund her what    brought  out  two  bottles
            der the leadership of Prime   along  the  entire  Mediter-  nation,  but  this  did  not   she had saved in the com-  of wine that his late father
            Minister  Giovanni  Giolitti.   ranean  Coast  from  Egypt   change  the  status  of  the   pany’s  Thrift  Plan.  But  we   had prepared from grapes
            Then began an era of cruel   to Tunisia. At the beginning   Italian  former  colonialists.   decided  to  help  our  ex-  that he himself had grown.
            war to subjugate the tribes   of World War II there were   The Italians still had the best   colleague in another way.
            that  resisted  the  Italian   110  thousand  Italians  in   non-gubernatorial   posi-  As this was a very delicate    Continued on Page 14
            domination.  Their  leader   Libya,  most  of  them  con-  tions and they were in con-
            was Omar Mukhtar, immor-     centrated  in  the  towns  of   trol of commerce, industry
            talized  by  Anthony  Quinn   Tripoli  and  Benghazi.  They   and banking. It would take
            with the movie The Lion of   participated  in  commer-    the  Ghadafi  revolution  to
            the desert. In 1931 the Ital-  cial,  industrial,  agricultural   bring this to an end.
            ian army captured and ex-    and financial activities and   One year after taking over
            ecuted Omar Mukhtar and      as they were much better     the  government,  Ghadafi
            three years later Italy com-  prepared,  they  became     announced  that  all  “old”
            pleted its conquest.         leaders  while  the  Libyans   Italians (former colonialists)
                                         remained  in  inferior  posi-  had  to  leave,  and  “new”
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