Page 11 - ATA 7 JAN 2017
P. 11

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 7 January 2017

                           Prime Minister Joins 1500 at Chabad’s Giant Menorah

                                                    Lighting with the Maccabeats

                                                                      Prime  Minister  Mike  Eman
                                                                      joined  1,500  residents  and
                                                                      tourists  who  came  out  to
                                                                      celebrate  Chanukah  with
                                                                      a  menorah-lighting  and
                                                                      holiday  concert  at  the
                                                                      Hyatt Beach Deck in Palm
                                                                      Beach on December 28.
                                                                      Rabbi  Ahron  and  Chaya
                                                                      Blasberg,  co-directors  of
                                                                      Chabad  of  Aruba,  pre-
                                                                      sented  Eman  with  a  per-
                                                                      sonal  menorah.  Then  the
                                                                      prime  minister  lit  five  can-
                                                                      dles  on  the  giant  public
                                                                      menorah in celebration of
                                                                      the  fifth  night  of  Chanu-
                                                                      In   his   remarks,   Eman
                                                                      thanked    the   Blasbergs   ats,  the  famous  a  capella  ternational  Aruba;  AHATA;
                                                                      for  their  commitment  to   singing  group  from  New  Brickel Bay Hotel, Elite Pro-
                                                                      the  people  of  Aruba  and   York. They sang an eclectic  ductions,  Cigar  Emporium;
                                                                      spoke  of  how  moved        array  of  Jewish,  American  4D  PhotoBar;  Gold  Palace
                                                                      he  was  when  he  visited   and Israeli songs and enter-  Jewelers.
                                                                      Lubavitch  World  Head-      tained the crowd with their  For information on Chabad
                                                                      quarters in New York earlier   humor.                     Aruba’s  upcoming  events
                                                                      this year.                   Thank  you  to  the  Corpo-  please  contact  Rabbi@
                                                                      The  lighting  was  followed   rate  Sponsors  of  the  Con-  or  call
                                                                      by  an  outstanding  perfor-  cert: CMB- Caribbean Mer-   5927613.
                                                                      mance  by  The  Maccabe-     cantile Bank; Diamonds In-
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