Page 7 - ATA 7 JAN 2017
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Torch Parade 2017

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                              HOLLYWOOD  HORROR

            Law enforcement officers walk around Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, Friday, Jan. 6, 2017, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

              U.S. veteran arrested in airport shooting; 5 dead, 8 wounded

            DAVID FISCHER                by  authorities  as  26-year-  Agents questioned him and  One  witness  said  the  at-  screaming and trying to get
             Associated Press            old Esteban Santiago, who  called  police,  who  took  tacker  gunned  down  his  out of any door they could
            FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP)  served in Iraq with the Na-   him  for  a  mental  health  victims without a word and  or hide under the chairs,” a
            —  An  Army  veteran  who  tional  Guard  but  was  de-   evaluation,  according  to  kept  shooting  until  he  ran  witness, Mark Lea, told MS-
            complained  that  the  gov-  moted  and  discharged  the  official,  who  was  not  out  of  ammunition  for  his  NBC.  “He  just  kind  of  con-
            ernment was controlling his  last  year  for  unsatisfactory  authorized  to  discuss  the  handgun,  sending  pan-  tinued  coming  in,  just  ran-
            mind  drew  a  gun  from  his  performance.  His  brother  investigation and spoke on  icked travelers running out  domly shooting at people,
            checked  luggage  on  ar-    said he had been receiving  condition of anonymity.       of the terminal and spilling  no rhyme or reason to it.”
            rival at the Fort Lauderdale  psychological   treatment  Authorities  said  the  motive  onto the tarmac, baggage  It  is  legal  for  airline  pas-
            airport  and  opened  fire  in  recently.                 for  the  attack  was  under  in hand.                    sengers to travel with guns
            the  baggage  claim  area  A law enforcement official  investigation.  Shortly  after  Others  crouched  behind  and  ammunition  as  long
            Friday,  killing  five  people  told  The  Associated  Press  the  shooting,  and  before  cars  or  anything  else  they  as the firearms are put in a
            and  wounding  eight,  au-   that  Santiago  had  walked  details  of  Santiago’s  men-  could  find  to  shield  them-  checked bag — not a car-
            thorities said.              into  the  FBI  office  in  his  tal  health  became  public,  selves as police and para-  ry-on — and are unloaded
            He was taken into custody  hometown  of  Anchorage,  Sen.  Bill  Nelson  of  Florida  medics  rushed  in  to  help  and locked in a hard-sided
            after  throwing  his  empty  Alaska, in November to say  said that it remained to be  the wounded and establish  container.  Guns  must  be
            weapon  down  and  ly-       that  the  U.S.  government  seen whether it was terror-  whether  there  were  any  declared  to  the  airline  at
            ing  spread-eagle  on  the  was  controlling  his  mind  ism  or  the  work  of  “some-  other  gunmen.  The  airport  check-in.
            ground, one witness said.    and  making  him  watch  Is-  one  who  is  mentally  de-  was shut down.
            The gunman was identified  lamic State videos.            ranged.”                     “People  started  kind  of       Continued on Page 3
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