Page 145 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 145

            humanities Year 10

                            Session 1:                                              Session 2:                                                Session 3:                                             Session 4:

                    Introduction & pre-test                                   What is a Business?                                      Marketing a Business                                Sponsorship & endorsement

          Learning intentions:                                Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                   Learning intentions:
          Students will gain an understanding of Business in   Students will understand the most important elements of a   Analyse the effect of marketing on sports businesses and   Discuss the use of sponsorship and endorsement as a tool
          Sport and what will be covered in the unit          business.                                                    society.                                               for business in the sporting industry.

          Starter:                                            Starter:                                                     Starter:                                               Starter:

          Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):                        Main activity                                                Main activity                                          Main activity
                                                              1.  Re-cap from previous lesson and what students believe a   1.  Re-cap from previous lesson                       1.  Advertisement strategies by Nike
                                                                  business is                                              2.  Discussion “how do we know about businesses?”      2.  NRefresh ‘marketing’ and what it means in the sport-
          Main activity                                       2.  Vocabulary exercise; students are to copy down the following   (lead the discussion towards the media/ advertising   ing industry
          1.  Introduce new unit                                  words into their books, and write at least 2 synonyms for    etc)                                               3.  Wordsplash: sponsorship & endorsement. Students to
          2.  Students to undertake pre-test (approx. 30 min-     each: economy, business, fnance, endorsement, budget,    3.  Brainstorm: what is marketing? Discuss results (think   write down in their books what they think these words
              utes)                                               human resources, career                                      about examples and types)                             mean and any examples they can think of.
          3.  In groups, instruct students to brainstorm the term   3.  Discuss the answers as a class                     4.  Notes: types and purposes of marketing, 4 P’s (prod-  4.  Discuss fndings as a class
              “business” in their books                       4.  Have students take down the notes from the fipchart, and     uct, price, promotion, place)                      5.  Students to think of as many examples of sponsors
          4.  Use the brainstorm to create a class mindmap of     discuss each of the points as a class.                   5.  Show students clip on the 4 p’s of marketing          and endorsement that they know of (can be sporting
              “Business” (more structured) on butchers paper   5.  Students are then to complete part 1 of their assignment:   6.  Discuss what they saw and how this would relate in   or not sporting)
              (*if necessary, prompt students with the topics we   “Overview of the business”                                  the sporting industry                              6.  Students to write defnitions from the board
              cover in this unit)                             6.  Summary/ refection                                       7.  Students to research the marketing techniques used   7.  Show clip on sponsorship
          5.  Using another sheet of butchers paper, have all                                                                  by their sporting business (part 2 of assignment)  8.  Discuss what they saw
              students write down as many sporting businesses   Resources:                                                 8.  Summary/ refection                                 9.  Show clip on failed endorsements
              as they can think of (*if necessary prompt them to   •  Flipchart                                                                                                   10. Discuss the fndings
              think about sporting teams, shops, physios etc)  •  Assessment part 1                                        Resources:                                             11. Complete part 3 of the assignment: sponsorship and
          6.  Discuss the fndings of the two brainstorms with                                                              •  Flipchart                                              endorsement
              the class and establish areas of interest                                                                    •  Assessment part 2                                   12. Summary/ refection
          7.  Provide an overview of the unit and assessment
              structure                                                                                                                                                           Resources:
          8.  Instruct students to select the sporting business                                                                                                                   •  Flipchart
              (team/ club) they wish to use for their assessment                                                                                                                  •  Assessment part 3

          •  Flipchart
          •  Pre-test
          •  Butchers paper


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