Page 153 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 153

            humanities Year 10

                            Session 1:                                              Session 2:                                                Session 3:                                             Session 4:

                      Introduction to Unit                                    Overview of History                                           Modern Sport                                         Sporting Arenas

          Learning intentions:                                Learning intentions:                                         Learning intentions:                                   Learning intentions:
          Gain an understanding of this unit of work and the   Gain an understanding of the history of sport focusing on An-  Discuss the development of modern sports and the im-  Examine some of the greatest sporting arenas and con-
          purpose of learning the history of sport            cient Egypt, Greece and the Middle Ages                      pact of the Western world                              trast them with those we know today

          Starter:                                            Starter:                                                     Starter:                                               Starter:

          Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):                        Main activity                                                Main activity                                          Main activity
                                                              1.  Introduce lesson                                         1.  Introduce lesson                                   1.  Introduce lesson
                                                              2.  Students to be randomly allocated to 4 different groups  2.  Hand out questions and have students stick them in   2.  Individual work: worksheet focusing on one particular
          Main activity                                       3.  Each group will research and create 3-4 PowerPoint slides    their books (complete answers underneath)             sporting arena (*Students given 1 of: Phoenician sta-
          1.  Introduce unit                                      to teach the class about sport during their area of history   3.  Watch History of the Olympics video (15 mins)    dium, the Olympia stadium, stadium at the sanctuary
          2.  Brainstorm what “history of sport” means: gener-    (prehistory, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, middle ages)   4.  Discuss answers as a class                          of Apollo, colosseum, roman amphitheatre in zant-
              ate some discussion about the topic                 approx. 40 mins                                          5.  Class brainstorm: how has sport been infuenced by     en, togyu arena, huntington avenue grounds, rogers
          3.  Conduct pre-test                                4.  Present slides to class and discuss fndings                  the western and modern world?                         centre, London Olympic stadium, MCG, fenway park,
          4.  Discuss overview of course                      5.  Complete Lotus diagram component                         6.  Flipchart notes (*students don’t need to write them   Wimbledon, old yankee stadium)
          5.  Hand out lotus diagrams and explain how they will                                                                but must discuss together)                         3.  Discuss fndings: each student to share 2-3 interesting
              work                                            Resources:                                                   7.  Students to research a historical sport in pairs (25   facts
          6.  Students to fll in frst section of lotus diagram/                                                                mins)                                              4.  Complete Lotus diagram component
              colour in etc                                                                                                8.  Discuss sports (students to complete for homework if
                                                                                                                               not done)                                          Resources:
          Resources:                                                                                                       9.  Complete Lotus diagram



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