Page 158 - John Fawkner College SIPP Flipbook V3
P. 158

            Unit: history of sport

            week 3

 Session 9:    Session 10:    Session 11:                                    Session 12:

 Gender in Sport   Overview of Sports  Group assessment                  Group assessment

 Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:  Learning intentions:
 Compare and contrast the different expectations of   Gain an understanding of the vast array of sports in the world,   Work in pairs researching the history of a chosen sport  Work in pairs researching the history of a chosen sport
 men and women in sport  both past and present

 Starter:  Starter:  Starter:                              Starter:

 Warm-up activity (Pre-Test):   Main activity  Main activity  Main activity
 1.  Introduce lesson  Students will use class time to work on their assessment   Students will use class time to work on their assessment
 2.  Discuss: what have we done so far in this unit  task   task t
 Main activity  3.  Take out Lotus diagrams: Each student to share 3 things
 1.  Introduce lesson  that they have learnt   Resources:  Resources:
 2.  Students have 15 minutes to use the newspapers   4.  “The history of Soccer”: using fipchart work through this
 and fnd as many sporting articles as they can in   sport as an example
 groups of ~3  5.  Explain assessment task
 3.  Discuss using fipchart prompt questions  6.  Students to get into pairs and choose a sport (not soccer)
 4.  Now students put them into 2 piles: men v women  7.  Begin working on assessment task
 5.  Have students discuss questions in pairs/ 3’s and
 then share with the class their thoughts  Resources:
 6.  TV guide: circle all sports events (5 mins)
 7.  Highlight womens sports: discuss fndings
 8.  Watch video and discuss everyone’s thoughts
 9.  Individual work: research one Australian womens
 sporting event, and write your own newspaper
 article (to be fnished for homework)
 10. Complete Lotus diagram component


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