Page 24 - Trail Winds Proposal E2
P. 24

Criterion 4                                                                  Scheduling

                                            Overall Construc-on Schedule

                                                                            Our opera.ons team takes the
                                                                            project schedule milestones and
                                                                            introduces our tasks with actual

             Example Schedule

       Tri-City Electrical Contractor, Inc.  |  Electrical Proposal

                                                                                We incorporate the schedule
                                                                                and work sequence into a block
                                                                                diagram, which .es into each
             Example Floor Plan                                                 other trades for the most
                                                                                task above. This effec.vely
                                                                                allows us to coordinate with

                                                                                efficient work flow. It also helps
                                                                                us find sequencing problems
                                                                                early and make adjustments

                                                                                before the schedule is impacted.

     23                 Tri-City Electrical Contractor, Inc.  |  “To Do More Than Expected”  |
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