Page 20 - Trail Winds Proposal E2
P. 20

Criterion 3                                                       Preconstruction


             Preconstruc-on                                              “A Detailed Approach”

               Our self-preform experience make us keenly aware of the smallest details as we coordinate all
               project  func.ons—including,  value  analysis,  constructability  reviews,  project
               opera.ons  and  management,  scheduling,  cost  control,  quality  control,  and  safety.  Our
               heightened  awareness  leads  to  more  efficient  designs,  increased  budget  confidence,  fewer
               change orders, decrease construc.on .mes, and higher quality.

               Working  in  healthcare  for  over  20  years,  Tri-City  Electrical  Contractors,  Inc.,  has  built  solid
               rela.onships with local engineers, architects, and subcontractors. These rela.onships create a
               synergy between design team and contractor to provide cost and solu.ons to
               ul.mately maintain budget, schedule, and quality for the owner.

               To  achieve  these  results,  we  must  be  ac.vely  engaged  in  the  project  during  both  the
               preconstruc.on  and  construc.on  phases.  This  results  in  compreshensive  understanding  and
               provides  detailed planning, coordina.on, and direc.on necessary to create efficiencies in the
               .me, cost, and quality.

             Preconstruc-on Resources  “Foundation for Success”

               Preconstruc.on is one of Tri-City’s; we devote resources and aGen.on
               to this phase of a project. During the preconstruc.on process our job is to provide accurate
       Tri-City Electrical Contractor, Inc.  |  Electrical Proposal
               cost and schedule evalua.ons and establish a plan for successful construc.on. Our pricing is
               among the most accurate in the industry as a result of our preconstruc.on team digging into

               the  project  details,  addressing  everything  from  budget,  scheduling  issues,  phasing
               requirements,  and  quality  expecta.ons.  With  this  level  of  aGen.on  we  can  avoid  surprises
               later in the building process and ensure maximum value in the finished project.

               We assign one of our senior level preconstruc.on members as a contact person to work in
               conjunc.on with the design team, trade contactors, subcontractors, distributors, and safety
               department. Once assigned they oversee the preconstruc.on effort un.l the project is fully
               designed and contracted.

               Our  staff  of  es.mators,  BIM/CAD  modelling,  prefabrica.on  team,  safety  department,  low
               voltage division, fire alarm division, and purchasing department all play a role in seYng the
               founda.on  for  delivering  a  project  safely,  on  .me,  and  on  budget  while  maintaining  the
               highest quality.

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