Page 21 - Trail Winds Proposal E2
P. 21

Preconstruction                                                                       Criterion 3


                 Design Assist                                      A Process of Collaboration

                  Tri-City  is  dedicated  to  a  partnership  throughout  the  life-cycle  of  the
                  design-assist  process.    We  truly  believe  and  support  becoming  an  asset  by  providing  input
                  that supplies the owner with the structure that they want while keeping the project in budget
                  and on-schedule.  We thrive in a atmosphere where we can provide solu.ons and
                  sugges.ons  to  the  design  team  to  increase  func.onality,  prevent  unforeseen  challenges,
                  support  aesthe.cs  and achieve  design intent  all while  maintaining a value based  structure.
                  We u.lize technology and forward thinking to the fullest extent to provide the highest quality
                  finishes,  in  the  shortest  .me  with  the  highest  degree  of  accuracy.    We  pride  ourselves  on

                  being the go-to team member who focuses on saying “Yes” in the most challenging situa.ons.
                  Hospitals are all we build and we stake our reputa.on everyday on the quality of our people,
                  projects, and safety.

                  Our Preconstruc.ons team provides a host of services including:

                  ◊  Preconstruc.on team development
                  ◊  Project coordina.on and planning

                  ◊  Budget development and
                  ◊  Scheduling

                  ◊  Value analysis
                  ◊  LEED®

                  ◊  Building informa.on modelling

                  ◊  LEAN construc.on ini.a.ves
                  ◊  Constructability reviews

                  ◊  Equipment review/coordina.on
                  ◊  Scope development and coordina.on

                  ◊  Subcontractor solicita.on and prequalifica.on
                  ◊  Commodity market trend analysis                                                                 Tri-City Electrical Contractor, Inc.  |  Electrical Proposal

                           430 West Drive  |  Altamonte Springs, FL , 32714  |   407-788-3500                        20
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