Page 35 - Kronos - Employee User Guide
P. 35

Employee User Guide


               To get the best possible finger scan template, use the Lock, Drop and Hold method.  When you perform
               daily verifications be consistent and follow the same process that you use when you enroll.

               STEP 1: LOCK

               Position the first joint of your finger at the ridge lock.  To do this, slide your finger along the ridge lock
               without touching the sensor. This eliminates electrostatic discharge, which can affect the operation of
               the device.

               STEP 2: DROP AND HOLD

               Drop the finger onto the sensor using moderate pressure.  Hold the finger on the sensor until you see a
               score and hear a tone.

                   •  Do not slide, twist or rotate your finger when you place it on the sensor.
                   •  User firm pressure when you place your finger on the sensor.
                          o  Too little pressure creates a weak image (Low score).
                          o  Too much pressure blues the image resulting in a low score.
                          o  Avoid using your thumb or pinky.  These do not produce good images.
                          o  The verification device works best when your finger is at room temperature and slightly
                              moist.  If your finger is very dry or cold:
                                 ▪  Rub the finger on the palm of your hand or your forehead.
                                 ▪  For extreme cases, try hand lotion to moisturize the finger.
                                 ▪  If you have long fingernails, position your finger core in the middle of the
                                     sensor.  Your supervisor will help you locate your finger core.
                                 ▪  If you have very small or large fingers, position your finger core in the middle of
                                     the sensor.  Your supervisor will help you locate your finder core.


               1.  When an employee’s manager enrolls
                   them at the terminal, they will see
                   several screens.  The initial Enrollment
                   screen is where the employee enters
                   their Badge ID.

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