P. 12

Literature Review

                                                         From the article Motiva-
                  tion and Loyalty Factors for Festivalgoers: A Case Study From
                  Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Malaysia by Ng Kok Meng,
                  note that the world has witnessed the wonderful growth of
                  collateral festivals. Tense competitions between host com-
                  munities in Malaysia.

                                                         It is important that orga-
                  nizers of festivals understand tourism Motivations for attend-
                  ing the festival in order to achieve a higher-performance
                  promotion of the event Place and plan for marketing. The
                  purpose of this study is to investigate whether Festivalscape
                  factors influence the motivation of the participants and the
                  behavior of the patron through the most. An international
                  event in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

                                                         The findings of this study
                  answered the research question that festivalscapes have a
                  significant  impact  on  attendees’  motivation  and  loyalty
                  behavior. In addition, study findings revealed that the type
                  of guests has a significant impact on the festivalscape fac-
                  tors i.e. only local residency was supported. Despite the
                  study results differed from previous literature, findings of this
                  study extended the literature on festivalscape related to the
                  events and tourism research and provided empirical sup-
                  port on its effect on motivation and loyalty.

                                                                                                 Festivalgoers’ Motivation and Loyalty Factors: A Case Study
                                                                                                 of Putrajaya Hot Air Baloon Fiesta in Malaysia
                                                                                                 by Ng Kok Meng
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