Page 22 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 22

People wearing mask in subway during the outbreak in China

        taken  to  prevent  further  local  spread.   For  more  information,  please  contact
        The  health  authority  is  already  taking   Associate  Professor  Dr  Rafdzah  Ahmad
        appropriate  measure  including  active       Zaki, Department of Social and Preventive
        surveillance,  early  detection,  isolation   Medicine at
        and  case  management.  Contact  tracing
        also has been performed to identify any       Disclamer:  All  information  content  in  this
        further local transmission. The symptoms      article  is  based  on  available  data  until  6th
        of 2019-nCoV may appear in as early as 2      February 2020.
        days or as long as 14 days after exposure.
        Close contacts should self-isolate at home    (As  of  11  February  2020,  the  2019-nCov  is
        for 14 days after the last possible contact   now called “COVID-19”. More updates of this
        with  a  confirmed  2019-nCoV  case,  and     disease will be available in the next issue.)
        monitor for any symptoms.
        The impact of current situation to daily      1.   Geographical  distribution  of  2019-nCov  cases  globally
        life  activity  is  still  minimum.  Current     (ECDC Situation update 6 February).  https://www.ecdc.
        evidence  suggests  that  the  virus  can     2.   cases
                                                         World  Health  Organization  (WHO):  Novel  Coronavirus
        be  spread  by  droplets  from  infected
                                                         (2019-nCoV) SITUATION REPORT.
     Special Highlight  individuals, and the best way to prevent   3.   Nowcasting  and  forecasting  the  potential  domestic
                                                         and  international  spread  of  the  2019-nCoV  outbreak
        this  is  through  social  responsibility  and
                                                         originating in Wuhan, China: a modelling study Joseph
                                                         T  Wu,  Kathy  Leung,  Gabriel  M  Leung.  The  Lancet.
        personal hygiene. This includes frequent
                                                         Published: January 31, 2020
        hand-washing,  cough  etiquette,  and
                                                         Statement  on  the  meeting  of  the  International  Health
                                                         Regulations  (2005)  Emergency  Committee  regarding
        use  of  appropriate  personal  protection
                                                         the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) - WHO,
                                                         Estimating  the  effective  reproduction  number  of  the
                                                         2019-nCoV in China - Zhidong Cao et al., Jan. 29, 2020
        important to keep update information on
     22  equipment  when  required.  It  is  also     5.   January 23, 2020
                                                         Ministry  of  Health  Malaysia,  Media  statement  6
        the local and global 2019-nCoV situation
                                                         February 2020
        from official authority.
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