Page 20 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 20
Coronavirus (nCoV):
The New Global Public Health Threat
Rafdzah Ahmad Zaki
(Department of Social & Preventive Medicine)
he outbreak of respiratory illness continues to spread rapidly to other cities,
caused by a novel coronavirus throughout Asia and across the world.
Ttermed “2019-nCoV” emerged as The illness was first alerted to the WHO on
a new global public health threat. On 31st December 2019, and in less than 40
30th January 2020, the World Health days (as of 6 Feb 2020), a total of 28,284
Organization (WHO) has declared the confirmed cases with 565 deaths has
virus outbreak a public health emergency been reported worldwide, involving 26
of international concern (PHEIC). countries [1]. In comparison to the SARS-
CoV outbreak in 2003, which recorded
The outbreak began in Wuhan, the a total of 8096 cases over a period of 9
largest city in central China and also a months involving 37 countries, and 774
major transportation hub. The disease deaths. While the MERS-CoV outbreak
Special Highlight
Image illustration of 2019-novel coronavirus