Page 17 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 17
The generous contribution of RM1.7 Kinta Dr. Haji Mohamed Eusoff is the
million came from Datin Ragayah in architect of modern tertiary education in
honour of her father Dato Mohamed Malaya.
Eusoff. The contributions from this
donation allows the re-establishment Besides the new Medical Research
and refurbishment of The Medical Centre, Datin Ragayah and Dato’
Research Centre, Universiti Malaya into Dr. Mahmood Osman Merican had
areas of several integrated laboratories previously generously donated towards
and research management offices as well the establishment of the National
as teleconference facilities which will Orthopaedic Centre of Excellence for
allow faculty members to collaborate, Research and Learning (NOCERAL)
coordinate and communicate research and, more recently, towards a research
with local stakeholders and international endowment fund. Aside from their
partners in a more effective and timely financial contribution towards research,
manner. The Medical Research Centre both Dato’ and Datin have continued
located at the Faculty of Medicine will to play an enormous role in supporting
be named as the Dato’ Panglima Kinta the Faculty through their presence
Eusoff Research Centre, in honour of at the Faculty’s alumni and research
Dato Panglima Kinta Eusoff’s immense events. Their exemplary contributions to
contribution to tertiary education, Universiti Malaya are truly an inspiration Special Highlight
specifically towards the establishment of to others.
Universiti Malaya. Indeed, Dato Panglima