Page 19 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 19
Puan Dato’ Seri Hajah Dr Aishah Ong, and Tan Sri Koo Yuen Kim from Golden
Pro-Chancellor of the Universiti Malaya. Eagle Realty Sdn Bhd (RM1,000,000.00).
On behalf of the Faculty, Professor Dato‘ In her speech, she hopes that this
Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman thanked the scholarship scheme provides candidates
support from the following patrons with the opportunity to pursue high
and their generous contribution, who quality education from Universiti Malaya.
include Tan Sri Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia from The scheme will also help to groom highly
Yayasan Kossan (RM100,000.00); Dr Chia skilled and knowledgeable postgraduates
Song Kun from QL Resources Berhad with professional competence in
(RM100,000.00); Mr Chia Sang Sem from medicine and health science.
Bonia Corporation Bhd (RM50,000.00)
From left: Tan Sri Dato’ Lim Kuang Sia (Group Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer, Kossan Group of
Companies ), Prof. Dato’ Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman (Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya), Prof
Dato’ Dr Yang Faridah (Deputy Dean of Undergraduates, FOM) & Toh Puan Dato’ Seri Hajjah Dr. Aishah
Ong (Pro-Chancellor UM)
Prehouseman Research Internship Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate
in Medical Sciences (PERINTIS) Scholarship Scheme (FOMPSS)
The PERINTIS program is designed FOMPSS is a scholarship offers by the
to cultivate research interest and Faculty of Medicine to postgraduate Special Highlight
skills among UM MBBS graduates by candidates (Malaysian citizens) who are
providing a formal and structured pursuing a research programme. This
research internship program during the scholarship is offered to both new and
waiting time for housemanship, with existing candidates.
the eventual aim to complete a research 19
degree (MMedSc).