Page 14 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 14
Prevention and Early
Intervention for Mental
Health Problems in
he Centre for Population Health symposium. It was followed by a live
and Department of Social and sketch entitled “You Are Worthy” by the
TPreventive Medicine, Faculty of UM Public Health postgraduate students.
Medicine, Universiti Malaya (UM) hosted The first session, presented by Dr Roslaili
the first Symposium on Prevention and Khairudin, Head of the Maternal and Child
Early Intervention for Mental Health Health Unit at Titiwangsa Health Office,
Problems in Youth on 26th June 2019 Kuala Lumpur, was on “Help-seeking
at the TJ Danaraj Auditorium, Faculty and Service Utilization for Mental Health
of Medicine, UM. The symposium was Problems among Youth”. Following Dr
sponsored by the Asia Pacific Academic Roslaili’s remarkable presentation, all
Consortium for Public Health, Kuala participants were invited to take part
Lumpur. The objectives of the symposium in a quick mental health exercise using
stress balls. The benefits of using stress
were to gather stakeholders actively
Research Activities to provide a platform for stakeholders tension and inducing a person to relax,
working in the mental health domain;
balls, such as helping the body to release
were shared with the audience. A press
to present their work on mental health
conference with YB Michelle Ng and
issues and intervention; and to equip
participants with the skills and knowledge
Professor Dr Maznah Dahlui, Deputy
to promote mental wellbeing for youth.
Dean Faculty of Medicine highlighted the
increasing trend of psychiatry morbidity
14 The Selangor State Assemblywoman and possible detection and prevention
of Subang Jaya, Yang Berhormat (YB) strategies.
Michelle Ng Mei Sze, officiated the