Page 11 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 11

Poster presentation at the
                                                                       FOM Research Carnival

        The  3rd  Malaysian  Zebrafish  Workshop      their  various  community  engagement-
        was  also  held  in  conjunction  with  the   based  projects  i.e.    Jeans  4  Genes
        carnival and was attended by participants     Malaysia,  the  Malaysian  Brain  Bee
        from  various  higher  education  and         Challenge, Homeless Children of KL and
        research institutes throughout Malaysia.      the  Stroke  Community  Rehabilitation
        Assistant  Professor  Dr.  Tom  Carney        Centre.
        from  Nanyang  Technological  University
        Singapore, Professor Dr. Alex Chong from      We  would  like  to  express  our  greatest
        Universiti Sains Malaysia and Dr. Satoshi     appreciation to everyone as this carnival
        Ogawa, as well as Dr. Mohd Farooq Shaikh      could not have taken place without the
        from Monash University Malaysia, shared       support  of  the  Research  Management
        their  research  in  areas  ranging  from     Unit  and  our  sponsors  Gaia  Science,
        zebrafish  nutrition  and  development  to    Bruker, Interscience, and Prima Nexus.
        their use as human disease models.

        The  FOM  Research  Carnival  also
        highlighted  research  from  the  various
        departments in the faculty, as well as the
        creativity  of  its  students  and  members,
        with 34 poster presentations, 17 images,
        and  5  video  presentations  showcased
        during the event.

        The  five-day  carnival  ended  with  the                                                 Research Activities
        sharing  session  by  Associate  Professor
        Dr.  Azlina  Ahmad  Annuar,  Associate
        Professor Dr. Azura Mansor, Professor Dr.        3rd Malaysian Zebrafish Model Workshop
        Lydia Abdul Latif from UM and Associate                      ...
        Professor  Dr.  Muzaimi  Mustapha  from                                                   11
        Universiti  Sains  Malaysia,  highlighting
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