Page 6 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 6

For  more  information  on  the  history  of     other  certified  RCR  instructors  and
        development of  the YSN-ASM RCR  Program,        networking     opportunities    with
        refer  to  the  Malaysian  Educational  Module  on   other  local  and  international  RCR
        Responsible Conduct of Research
        (       champions.
        readonly).                                    •  Opportunities  to  receive  financial
                                                         rewards by providing RCR instruction.
                                                      •  Personal  satisfaction  in  playing  a
                                                         significant  role  in  enhancing  the
                                                         research ecosystem.

                                                      Interested to be one of us? Here are the
                                                      •  Attend at least one YSN-ASM-AKEPT
                                                         RCR Workshop and express intent to
                                                         take part in the YSN-ASM-AKEPT RCR
                                                         TOI program.
                                                      •  Organise  an  RCR  Workshop  at  your
                                                         Home Institution.
                                                      •  Facilitate  a  YSN-ASM-AKEPT  RCR
                                                      •  Attend  the  Active  Learning  Training-
                                                         of-Instructors Workshop.
        The Young Scientists Network-                 •  Pass the RCR Knowledge Assessment.
                                                      •  Pass  the  Instructor  Competency
        Academy            of        Sciences            Assessment.
        Malaysia-AKEPT  Responsible                   •  Sign  a  Declaration  of  Commitment
        Conduct of Research Training                     towards RCR Values.

        of Instructors (TOI) Program                  For  more  information,  please  contact  Dr  Chau
                                                      De Ming (Chair of the YSN-ASM Science Integrity
        The Training of Instructors (TOI) program     Working Group) at
        was  developed  in  2018,  aiming  to
        produce  certified  instructors  with  the
        right attitude, skills and knowledge, and
        competence to provide RCR instruction.

        The benefits of being a YSN-ASM-AKEPT-
     Highlight  certified RCR Instructor are:

        •  Recognition  as  a  champion  in
            promoting RCR in Malaysia.
        •  Up-to-date  knowledge  in  RCR  and
            Active Learning pedagogy.
        •  Access  to  broader  support  from          One of the sessions conducted during the RCR
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