Page 5 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 5
10 elements of RCR (adapted from The Malaysian Educational Module on Responsible Conduct of
Emphasis of RCR The Malaysian Educational
Recognising the urgent need to foster Module on Responsible
a culture of integrity and responsible Conduct of Research
research in Malaysia, the Young
Scientists Network-Academy of Sciences This module is a product of the
Malaysia (YSN-ASM), with the support collaborative effort between YSN and
of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia ASM, ASM and Akademi Kepimpinan
and training provided by the United Pendidikan Tinggi Malaysia (AKEPT), the
States National Academies of Sciences, engagement of multiple stakeholders as
Engineering and Medicine, initiated well as the involvement of 40 researchers.
the YSN-ASM Responsible Conduct of
Research Program (RCR Program) in The instruction of the Malaysian
2013. This program is led by Dr Chau De Educational Module on RCR is not based
Ming, Dr Chai Lay Ching and Prof Dr Abhi on conventional didactic lectures, but on
Veerakumarasivam. To date, more than active learning pedagogy. The Module Highlight
50 RCR workshops have been conducted provides various types of active-learning
in Malaysia and around the world, and learner-engaging activities such as
reaching more than 1000 participants. case studies, role play, peer learning and 5
self-reflection to better effect changes in
the attitude and practices of RCR.