Page 8 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 8
Jeans for Genes:
Raising awareness about genetic disorders and
touching lives as we do it
eans for Genes Malaysia (JGM) We are also keen to create opportunities
is part of a global initiative to for those affected and in line with
Jraise awareness about genetic this, we have secured commissions
disorders. The Faculty of Medicine, for artwork produced by a number
UM has been spearheading this effort of talented artists living with genetic
in Malaysia for almost 10 years now. disorders to be used as corporate gifts
Amongst the events we have organized for the offices of the Dean, Deputy
were fundraising ‘nucleotide’ cupcake Dean and the Deputy Vice Chancellor
sales and a wheelchair race to highlight (Research and Innovation). Using
issues about disability access as this is these art pieces as corporate gifts is a
often an issue for people affected by meaningful recognition of their talents
genetic disorders. In 2016, we made despite their challenging medical
a 531m long DNA helix out of jeans, a conditions. Many of the artists have
feat which made it into the Malaysia since grown in confidence by taking on
Book of Records, and in 2017, there larger commissions and events.
was a debate on genome editing as
this is a rapidly advancing technology
with treatment implications for
genetic disorders. In 2018, we hosted
a session on osteogenesis imperfecta
Research Activities organized an informal evening of live
(brittle bone disease) and this year, we
music so everyone could mingle and
get to know one another better. We
kick-started a social media campaign
with the first year Biomedical Science
undergraduates to spread awareness
about several genetic disorders, using Plant sale by Sharifah Ezianiwaty Idid, mother to
a daughter with Rett Syndrome.
8 the hashtag #sahabat – or #friendsof -
(name of genetic disorder).