Page 7 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 7

Research Integrity Unit (RIU),                staff  as  well  as  research  students  at  all
        Faculty of Medicine, Universiti               levels. The RIU is committed to developing
                                                      the  capacity  of  RCR  trainers  among  the
        Malaya                                        Faculty  members,  and  ensuring  the

        In  line  with  promoting  the  RCR,  the     cultivation  and  dissemination  of  good
        Research  Integrity  Unit  (RIU)  of  the     research  practices  within  the  Faculty
        Faculty  of  Medicine,  Universiti  Malaya,   community.  In  addition,  the  RIU  is  also
        established  under  the  Research  Office     anticipated  to  develop  guidelines  in
        in  2019,  is  entrusted  with  the  mission   research governance for the Faculty.
        of  creating  and  promoting  a  culture  of
        research excellence and ethical research      For more information, please contact:
                                                      Associate  Prof  Dr Julia  & Dr Tee  Kok  Keng  at

        The RIU is assigned to promote awareness                     ...
        of responsible conduct of research (RCR)
        and research ethics by providing training
        (workshops,  campaigns,  roadshows)  in
        RCR and research ethics, both to academic

                                                                                                  Research Activities

                        Participants in the RCR workshop conducted in faculty of medicine.

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