Page 4 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 4



        Conduct of

        Research (RCR)

        CHAI LAY CHING                              TEE KOK KENG
        (UNIVERSITI MALAYA)                         (UNIVERSITI MALAYA)
        CHAU DE MING                                ABHI VEERAKUMARASIVAM

              esearch     integrity    is    the      process,  from  proposal  writing  to
              cornerstone  of  any  academic          dissemination of research outcomes.
       Rand  research  ecosystem.  High
        standards  of  integrity  ensure  that        How does it benefit you as a
        research  is  conducted  in  compliance
        with  legal  and  ethical  frameworks,        researcher?
        international  norms  and  professional       •  Maintain high standards of research
        best  practices.  This  culture  of  integrity   integrity  in  order  to  build  trust
        encourages transparency, accountability,         within  the  research  ecosystem  that
        honesty,   accuracy    and   objectivity.
                                                         includes  many  stakeholders  such  as
                                                         researchers,  policy-makers,  funders,
                                                         the general public, and the publishing
        What is RCR?                                     industry.
     Highlight  Responsible  Conduct  of  Research  (RCR)   •  Foster   collaborative   research,

                                                         manage  research  data,  and  protect
        is a framework to address questionable
                                                         the safety of research personnel and
        conduct  and  misconduct  (such  as  data
        falsification/fabrication  or  plagiarism)       environment
     4  that could arise along the entire research
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