Page 3 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 3

Deputy Dean


                                Professor Dr Ng Chirk Jenn
                                Deputy Dean of Research

            019  has  witnessed  yet  another  successful   academicians  and  researchers  across  University
            year for research in the Faculty of Medicine   and  beyond.  This  issue  of  Pulse  showcased  the
        2(FOM)!                                       yearly  FOM  Research  Carnival  (‘The  Science  of
                                                      Medicine:  Wearing  2  Coats’)  which  highlighted
        Thanks  to  the  hard  work  of  all  the  Faculty   the importance of translational research, linking
        members, FOM has exceeded the research target   fundamental  research  to  clinical  medicine.  RTU
        set  by  the  University  in  terms  of  ISI-indexed   has  been  tasked  to  meet  the  research  training
        publications,  national  and  international  grants,   needs of the students and researchers; please feel
        and the number of international collaborations.   free to get in touch if you have any suggestions on
                                                      how to improve our training programme.
        Last  year,  the  Research  Office  (RO)  underwent
        a  significant  reorganisation,  expanding  from   The  Lady  Justice  featured  on  the  cover  of  this
        the  existing  Research  Management  Unit  (RMU)   issue  emphasises  the  importance  of  ethics
        and  Internationalisation  Unit  (IUFOM)  to   and integrity in the conduct of research. In the
        include  Research  Training  Unit  (RTU),  Research   fervent quest for knowledge and research output,
        Integrity  Unit  (RIU),  Research  Communication   research integrity and ethics may sometimes be
        Unit  (RCU)  and  Central  Laboratory  Services.   overlooked  or  ignored.  The  RIU  was  set  up  for
        This restructuring allows the Research Office to   exactly this purpose i.e. to create and promote a
        streamline its functions to serve the Faculty and   culture of research excellence and ethical conduct
        our researchers better.                       of research. The RIU has successfully conducted
                                                      a  Responsible  Conduct  of  Research  Workshop,
        At the end of 2019, the RO launched two inaugural   which  was  very  well  received.  A  special  write-
        research  scholarships  –  the  PERINTIS  (for  UM   up  on  the  latest  2019-nCoV  epidemic  was  also
        medical  graduates)  and  FOM  Postgraduate   added.
        Scholarship Scheme (for FOM research students),
        while  we  continue  to  manage  the  UMSC  Care   Lastly,  on  behalf  of  the  Faculty  of  Medicine,  I
        Research Grant and Faculty Research Grant. The   would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Datin
        RMU aims to continuously support researchers to   Ragayah Mohd Eusoff for her generosity to build
        apply for both national and international grants   a new home for the RO, which hopefully will be
        and to implement the funded project to achieve   completed by 2021.                       Deputy Dean Foreword
        the desired research output and outcomes. We
        would  like  to  thank  the  generous  contribution   Wishing all of you a happy and successful 2020!
        of  Tan  Sri  Koo  Yuen  Kim  from  Golden  Eagle
        Realty  Sdn  Bhd,  Tan  Sri  Dato’  Lim  Kuang  Sia
        from Yayasan Kossan, Dr Chia Song Kun from QL
        Resources  Berhad  and  Mr  Chia  Sang  Sem  from
        Bonia  Corporation  Bhd  for  supporting  the  FOM
        Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme.              Professor Dr Ng Chirk Jenn                  3

        A  total  of  28  workshops  and  22  seminars  were
        conducted  successfully  to  benefit  students,
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