Page 13 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 13
competition, the carnival received For those who remember the scene, the
overwhelming response and great hall was totally full! Here, we also wish
participation from nearly 200 attendees. to congratulate Ms. Polly Yap Soo Xi, Ms.
During this whole day event, participants Thanusha M. Ganesan and Ms. Yasoda
visited the pop-up booths located at Priyankari Wijerathna for winning the
Centrepoint, FOM, to grab limited-time best presentation awards.
offers from a group of scientific companies
such as Betatech Scientific, Biomedia SPD It is hoped that the carnival was fruitful in
Scientific, Esco, Genomax Technologies, providing a platform for the participants
Research Instruments and a few others. to enhance their networking and
Besides these, the games booths and interaction with each other. With this,
food trucks enlivened the carnival in Central Research Laboratories of FOM is
many ways. A special lunch talk on ‘Cell looking forward to organizing a similar
Culture Revolution’ and ‘Challenges and event in the near future.
Reproducibility in Microbiomics’ was also
given by Biomedia SPD Saintifik Sdn Bhd.
A crowd was also observed at the free “
health screening station set up by the
National Kidney Foundation (NKF), where The carnival aimed to increase
a quick 5-min screening was provided to awareness within the UM
the participants! research community on the
The most exciting moment during the
carnival was the “3-min Pitch Your facilities in the FOM
Project” competition that attracted 17 Research Activities
contestants from different faculties in availability of the shared “
the Universiti Malaya. All the contestants
did their best to deliver the findings of ...
their Ph.D. projects in lay-man terms
and successfully won the attention of 13
participants from various backgrounds.