Page 16 - pulse 2019 issue 3
P. 16
Memorandum of Agreement Signing
Ceremony: Datin Ragayah Mohd
Eusoff and Universiti Malaya
The establishment of the Dato’ Panglima Kinta
Eusoff Research Centre
he signing of a Memorandum Universiti Malaya; Dato’ Profesor Dr.
of Agreement and cheque Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Dean, Faculty
Tpresentation ceremony to the of Medicine; and Professor Dr. Tunku
Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya Kamarul Zaman Tunku Zainol Abidin,
was held on the 26th August 2019 Director, Universiti Malaya Medical
at The Gallery, Faculty of Medicine. Centre. Also present were Yang
The momentous event was graced Berbahagia Datin Ragayah Eusoff and
by Yang Amat Berbahagia Toh Puan Dato’ Dr Mahmood Osman Merican, and
Dato’ Seri Hajjah Dr. Aishah Ong, Pro- family members of Dato Panglima Kinta,
Canselor, Universiti Malaya; Datuk Dr. Haji Mohamed Eusoff.
Abdul Rahim Hashim, Vice-Chancellor,
Special Highlight
16 From left; Prof. Dato’ Dr Adeeba Kamarulzaman (Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya), Datuk
IR. (DR) Abdul Rahim Bin Hj.Hashim (Vice Chancellor UM), Toh Puan Dato’ Seri Hajjah Dr. Aishah Ong
(Pro-Chancellor UM), Datin Ragayah Mohd Eusoff (Board of Trustee, Yayasan Ortopedik), Datuk Dr.
Mahmood Merican (Board of Trustee, Yayasan Ortopedik)