Page 6 - New eMagazine Assignment
P. 6
There are phones is other areas of the schools, gyms, auditorium, etc.
Emergencies? Again, schools have several phones. So, the need to call out for
emergencies is not a valid argument.
Smart phones help the learning process. Really? According to a recent newsletter
by the department of education, Kentucky is ahead of 15 other states in education.
Excuse me, Kentucky is a whapping thirty-fifth in education? Is our department
of education really bragging about being thirty-fifth in the nation in education?
Please do not use the argument that increased smart phone usage improves
education. (Side note: When I was a junior in high school in ’84 - ‘85, I took the
ACT and made a 17. Fast forward twenty years to 2005, and I was enrolling into
college with KCTCS. They imported all my scores, including my ACT. As I was
observing the import process, I noticed that my ACT score showed a twenty-one.
I told the registrar that it had imported incorrectly and that I had made a 17. She
informed me that my seventeen in 1985 was equivalent to a twenty-one in 2005.
Really? So, the argument is that smart phones help the education process. We
need to stop dumbing down our future and get the smart phones out of the
As I stated earlier, we somehow managed to make it through school without a smart phone for
hundreds of years, therefore, there is zero reason for to have smart phones in schools. Smart
phones are a hindrance, not a help.
Evaluates the problem or potential solutions and requires the reader to think critically and
analytically; and Has enough research-based information for a good descriptive analysis. 40 Points
Potential solutions are not difficult. In fact, it is very simple. We need more computers,
faster computers. Why are all our computers still using mechanical hard drives? It just boggles