Page 7 - New eMagazine Assignment
P. 7
my mind that we expect students to be able to work with outdated equipment. Every school
computer should have a Solid-State Drive. SSD’s are faster in every way than standard
mechanical drives. And we expect our students to work on outdated equipment when their
personal devices are exponentially faster. Is it any wonder that the students rely on their own
technology, even at school? When the schools don’t care about the equipment that students use
on a daily basis, why should the students care what equipment is used? When their devices are
better than the schools, it presents a bad example and doesn’t bode well for our future students.
And another thing, get rid of the Chromebooks. Chromebooks are awful:
Horrible security.
Students can bypass any setting, with little effort
Cloud based only
Apps are not secure
Play Store is not adequate
Not user friendly
Not upgradeable
Chromebooks are not the answer to better technology. Yes, their cheaper, but you also
get what you pay for. Yes, they are also portable. But is portability really a major concern? With
most, if not all, never doing homework at home, why is there a need for portability? Just get
some Lenovo, HP, or even Dell. At least, in the event you get a bad one, a knowledgeable
technician can make the needed repairs or upgrades as is needed. Stop wasting money on
frivolous technology and spend it on making the equipment we already have better and faster.
This will do away with the need for personal devices in schools.