Page 8 - New eMagazine Assignment
P. 8
And here comes the hard part. Most will not want to do this. Teachers are not allowed to
have smartphones in class either. If students can’t have them, neither can the teachers. We must
set an example for our students. The best example is right in front of the students, daily. Teachers
don’t need them either. Remember, there is a phone, or should be, a phone in every classroom.
If our goal, and it shouldn’t be just my goal, is to get smart phones out of the classroom,
some sacrifices need to be made. I wholeheartedly believe that removing smart phones from the
classroom will not only alter the learning process, it will improve the overall academics.
Complete editorial reviews of your fellow group members - 40 Points
Kelsey Gognat; How do people access information in the school environment?
Editorial Review:
I found this paper to be very informative, even if there were holes in some of the Potential
Solutions. I agree that parent involvement greatly increases the success of the students. And therein lies
the rub. How do we get the parents involved, especially in rural areas where communication is minimal,
at best? It is difficult in non-rural areas for communication between schools and parents, much less trying
to communicate when technology is at a minimum. For instance, one method of communication is
sending notes home to parents. In theory this could work, but as most bus drivers will attest, more often
than not, these letters end up on the floor of the bus and never arrive at their intended destination. Then
there is the phone call. As a bus driver, I can attest, parents never being home to receive those calls. There
is a many a times that I have had to return a child to the school because parents aren’t available to receive
them. I very rarely see parents, especially uninvolved parents. And not all parents have cellphones. This
can lead to serious issues. And although I believe that parents need to be more involved in their child’s
education, I don’t believe that this is a realistic option. There are some parents that just don’t care. They
see the school system as a K-12 daycare. School is just another, tax paid, babysitter. And more and more
teachers don’t care either. If the teachers really cared, they would be in schools teaching and not taking
time off to protest their pensions. Although, I mostly agree with the teachers. That their benefits and