Page 16 - Payroll & Paycom_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
P. 16

Payroll Calendar
                               Wednesday       Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday  Monday         Tuesday
                         New pay period begins .                                           Pay Day
                   Work   PAYROLL RUNS for pay
                   Week   period ended:  Payroll
                    1    automatically uploads from
                         POS to Payroll for processing .
                               Wednesday       Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday  Monday         Tuesday
                                                                                           Pay period ends .
                   Work                                                                    *All final edits must be added
                   Week                                                                    to the POS by closing for
                    2                                                                      payroll to process in the
                                                                                           morning .
                               Wednesday       Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday  Monday         Tuesday
                         New pay period begins .                                           Pay Day
                   Work   PAYROLL RUNS for pay
                   Week   period ended:  Payroll
                    1    automatically uploads from
                         POS to Payroll for processing .
                               Wednesday       Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday  Monday         Tuesday
                                                                                           Pay period ends .
                   Work                                                                    *All final edits must be added
                   Week                                                                    to the POS by closing for
                    2                                                                      payroll to process in the
                                                                                           morning .

                 Pay Period End Checklist

                    1.   Export ID Report  An Export ID audit report is emailed to all locations every morning . This
                        report lists all employees on the POS with a 0 (zero) Export ID .
                        FAQ:  What if I notice one or more employees on the Export ID Report is missing?
                        If an employee is on the Export ID report, this may be for one of the following reasons:  One
                        reason is that the Export ID was not updated on the POS by a manager once generated in
                        Paycom . Another reason is that the new hire was never submitted through Paycom to HR for
                        approval . If this is the case, submit the new hire information through Paycom IMMEDIATELY .
                        If an Export ID has not been generated in Paycom by 3pm MST the day before payroll runs,
                        CALL HR to ensure that the new hire information has be received in Paycom .
                        *Remember, if the Export ID is not corrected by closing Tuesday, the employee will not be
                     2.   Review Employee Punches (One Last Time)  Punches for the pay period are to be reviewed
                        and any final edits are to be made by closing Tuesday .
                     3.  Check Pay Rates  Wage information is to be verified to ensure it is correct for all employees .
                        *Note: Paycom drives the pay; the rate listed in Paycom will be the rate at which the hours are
                        paid out. If the rate is updated on the POS, Paycom must also be updated.
                         FAQ:  What if I notice that an employee’s raise has not been added correctly to the POS?

                        Punches for ALL SHIFTS WORKED will need to be edited from the effective date of the pay rate
                        change and the pay rate will need to be updated in the employee’s POS file so that moving
                        forward, all punches will capture the correct pay rate .

          Revised November 2016                                15                                                PAYROLL
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