Page 19 - Payroll & Paycom_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
P. 19

Complete Proper Termination Steps

                 ALL of the following steps must be taken upon termination:

                          1.   Terminate Employee in Paycom  Submit a Change of Employment Status of Employee
                               PAF to terminate the employee in Paycom .  You will be asked to submit the termination
                               effective date, last day worked and reason for termination . If the termination is
                               involuntary, you must include details on the final incident .  Be as thorough as possible
                               when adding details .
                          2.  Complete Final Pay Form (if applicable - see State Laws on Termination later in
                               this manual) This form can be found in the Payroll section on FOXCentral (see
                               sample in the back of this manual) .

                          3.  Include Disciplinary Report Forms (if applicable – see sample in Forms section)
                               These forms would indicate prior documented incidents up to and including
                               the final incident that has lead to termination .

                 Final Pay

                 Once the termination in Paycom has been reviewed by HR, the final pay will be issued to the
                 employee in one of the following ways:

                     • Manual Check  If the employee is on direct deposit and state law requires him/her to be paid
                        final wages outside of regular payroll, he/she will be issued a manual (paper) check .  This
                        check will be issued by the restaurant or Big Kitchen, depending on state law requirements .

                     •  Instant Pay Card Funding  If the same situation as above occurs, but the employee is on a
                        pay card, HR will fund the employee’s pay card .

                     • Next Scheduled Pay Day  If the employee’s termination is voluntary and/or STATE LAWS
                        ALLOW, the employee’s pay may process through regularly scheduled payroll and he/she will
                        received wages on the next scheduled pay day through the employee’s standard method of
                        pay .

                 Employee Reminder
                 Before the employee leaves on the last day worked, it is important to update his/her email address
                 and contact information .

         PAYROLL                                               18                                      Revised November 2016
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