Page 26 - Payroll & Paycom_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
P. 26

Transfer Request Form

                 When is this form used?                                                     Transfer Request Form

                                                                                     This is a request for transfer from one restaurant location to another. This request is subject to availability of a
                     •  When an employee requests a transfer to one of our other     position at the new location and the business and staffing needs of the organization. To be considered for a
                                                                                     transfer, the employee must have 180 days minimum in the position. Transfer effective date may be changed
                                                                                     to meet business and staffing needs.

                        locations .                                                Employee Information (Please Print)
                                                                                   Employee Name (LAST, FIRST, MI)
                                                                                   Restaurant Name and Location   Date of Hire/Date in Position
                                                                                   Current Position Title
                                                                                   Position of Interest Title and Restaurant Location
                                                                                   Reason(s) for Transfer Request
                                                                                   Employee Signature   Date
                                                                                   New General Manager
                                                                                   General Manager Name   Received On
                                                                                   Is employee eligible for consideration?   GM Signature and Date
                                                                                   □Approved   □Not Approved
                                                                                   Current  Location General Manager
                                                                                   General Manager Name   Received On
                                                                                   Approved to b e transferred?   Date Employee Notified   GM Signature and Date
                                                                                              of Decision
                                                                                   □Approved   □Not Approved

                                                                                            Upload and sent with Transfer PAF

                 Manual/Retro Pay Request Form
                 When is this form used?
                     •  When there has been an instance where an employee
                        has not received the correct pay for a previous period .

          Revised November 2016                                25                                                PAYROLL
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