Page 67 - Berita 149 & 150
P. 67
报 告 63
Venerable Chang Zao said that we have different roles to play in each stage of life.
A funeral is a ceremony to bid farewell to the deceased. repentance, good thoughts, and good deeds will
During the pandemic, all funerals are conducted lead us to a good destination instead of flowing with
with simplicity. How should we bid farewell to the karma. By practicing to be consistent with your vows
deceased and settle down physically and mentally? all the time in life, at the moment of death, you will
On 24 September 2021, YBAM Negeri Sembilan SLC, not have to be afraid of to where you will be going
together with its member organisations including but you will know your own direction and you can
Persatuan Agama Buddha Prajna Seremban, Rantau be the master of your own life. Venerable Chang Zao
Buddhist Association, Persatuan Penganut Agama said that the Dharma teaches us that as long as we
Buddha Triang Ilir, Persatuan Penganut Agama are able to face the end of our life at the moment of
Buddha Titi Jelebu, Persatuan Penganut Agama death, it is a good death.
Buddha Pertang, and Persatuan Penganut Agama
Buddha Kampung Baru Dangi organised the ‘Last Recitals are the last gift we give to the deceased.
Farewell during Pandemic’ talk, hosting a total of 220 Venerable reminded the public that we should do
participants online to explore the topic of death with our practice well on a regular basis. It is during the
the public. time when we face sadness or are flustered we will
be able to live in the present moment and bless the
Dharma Drum Mountain (DDM) Buddhist Centre deceased with most peaceful heart. Only when the
Malaysia Superintendent Venerable Chang Zao was living persons are at peace, the deceased person will
invited as the speaker for this Dharma talk. The be at peace.
restrictions on performing hospice care, Buddhist
post-death recital, and Dharma rituals inevitably led to Venerable Chang Zao taught the public on how to plan
feelings of insecurity, loss, and sadness. DDM Founder our own life with four principles: ‘face it, accept it,
Venerable Sheng Yen once said, ‘Those who aid and deal with it, and let it go’. We need to face and accept
deliver the suffering are bodhisattvas, and those in that life inherently has aging, sickness, and death. Do
the throes of suffering are great bodhisattvas.’ In fact, not welcome or reject them, do not let the troubles
it is to remind us that those bodhisattvas affected by bother us. In this period of life, take good care of your
the pandemic are great bodhisattvas who use their body, speech, and mind, let go of yourself to bring
precious life to tell us that life is fragile and needs to out the value of your life, and dedicate yourself to
be cherished, teaching us to learn deeply about life. benefitting the public.
Many of us are afraid of death because we do not Finally, Venerable reminded the public that as long as
know to where we will be going after death. The we treat each day as the last day of our life and live
Dharma says that consciousness determines where life to the fullest, there will be no regrets left in our
we will be going. Daily practices such as chanting, present life.