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           Margaret is a dynamic speaker     To me, this seems like a true case   degree. All of this came together,
           who combines inspiration,         of karma. During my childhood, I   and the end result was a Ph.D. in
           common sense, and a dash of       had no exposure to Buddhism. Yet   Religious Studies, with an emphasis
           humor.                            somehow, as an adult, I was pulled   in Buddhist Studies, focusing on
                                             toward Buddhism, and felt an      compassion in early Buddhism.
           Margaret responds to several      instant connection. And the good
           questions that Benny Liow         news, was that when that occurred,   You regard yourself as an
                                                                               advocate of Death Dhamma
           asked regarding how she came      Buddhism had grown significantly
                                             within the United States, and     which is the practice of inviting
           to practice Buddhism, develop
                                             specifically in Southern California,   an awareness of death into
           a healthy sense of death, and     providing me access to many       one’s life. As humans generally
           the relevance of mindfulness in   teachers and traditions.          do not entertain the idea of
           today’s modern life.                                                contemplating their own death
                                             As a successful businesswoman     because of our biological survival
           Benny: Can you share with         with a MBA, what made you         instinct, how can we begin to be
           us what brought you to be         choose to study for a Ph.D. in    more aware of death?
           interested in Buddhism?           Buddhism, and what’s your area
                                             of specialization?                Start small. You do not have to
           Margaret: I never felt at home with                                 immediately go right to, “I am
           my family’s religion.  I was always   Moving from an MBA to a Ph.D.   going to die!” Although some of you
           that kid who would ask the question   in Buddhism was certainly not   might. Many of us, can benefit from
           that a kid was not supposed to ask.   in any career guide that I ever   truly reflecting upon the truth that
           From an early age, I also had a belief   read. This path represents the   there is suffering and the source
           in rebirth. There was no place for   integration of my desire to work   of that suffering. Wanting things,
           this in the Catholic catechism.   toward an advanced degree and an   people, and outcomes. And also,
                                             understanding that an advanced    from not wanting other things, or
           When I left home at the age of    degree within my field of work    people, or outcomes. Now consider
           nineteen, I left the church. I would   (Project Management education),   impermanence. Things are always
           attend Easter and Christmas services   was not a requirement. Knowing,   changing. And the more we hang
           with my parents. But I became     that it would take significant    on to perceptions of how things
           comfortable being an agnostic.    effort, I spent quite a bit of time   must be, the more difficult our lives
           My late husband, Ed and I came    contemplating what kept me        become. You can start by looking at
           together as a former Jew, and a   intrigued? What would keep my     your plans for the day. Sometimes
           former Catholic, both non-believers   concentration and motivation   things go exactly as you imagined,
           who became Buddhists together.  I   during challenging times?       and other times the entire day
           do not really recall how I became   Additionally, an underlying theme   is a disaster. Or is it?  When our
           more fully aware of Buddhism, but   within my own work was the human   plans fall apart, we are presented
           during one of our bookstore visits,   side of business interactions. A   with an opportunity to embrace
           I purchased a copy of Buddhism    true desire to see people bring   impermanence.

           for Dummies. This basic overview   compassion to the workplace – no
           really resonated with me. And     matter where they found their     Those broken plans are a
           when I learned about the Four     source of compassion. There I     representation of death. Something
           Noble Truths, I knew I had found   was, seeking to understand the   you relied upon goes away. An
           my belief-system. Now, it became   different Buddhist traditions,   assumption becomes invalid,
           about learning about the different   finding my place as a Buddhist,   a cherished thing breaks, a
           Buddhist traditions, and spending   being a bit of an analytical thinker,   relationship ends. Pay attention to
           some time with each to find a home.  and wanting to pursue an advanced   your emotions as you watch your
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