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that reflecting on death is not the focus of this book and how we
pessimistic but realistic? can get a copy of it?
There are people who say to me, Thank you for asking about
“Why are you always about death?” Carpooling with Death: How Living
Or “You went through the deaths with Death will make You, Stronger,
of your loved ones, why would Wiser and Fearless. Perhaps the best
you purposefully think about that description of this book is that it is
again?” The analogy I use is that part memoir and part self-help, as it
of preparing to run a marathon. covers my journey to make friends
You can just get up the day of the with death, what I encountered
marathon, throw on your running while dealing with the death of my Sitting-Death-Buddhist-Insights-
shoes and give it a try. If you have not loved ones, and how Buddhism gave Peaceful/dp/1953596207/
trained, you are probably going to me the strength I needed. And in ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_
have a very difficult, and very painful sharing my story, my goal is to help encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
experience. But with preparation, others, and to show what it can be Both books are available on Amazon
your experience will be different. I like to navigate the deaths of your and be ordered from your favorite
would never suggest that running loved ones. bookseller.
a marathon will be easy, but the
more you prepare, the better your Perhaps in a nutshell, can you
outcome will be. Your training is not share with us the main benefits
pessimism, it is realism. of contemplation of death on a
daily basis?
This might be a fine point, is
Buddhism about suffering, or the When you live with an awareness of
alleviation of suffering? When you death you become more discerning
go to the doctor for back pain, do in how you spend your time and
you pretend that pain does not your energy. Understanding the
exist, or do you openly acknowledge preciousness of each moment
the pain in the hopes of finding Carpooling-Death-Living-Stronger- helps you to place your focus on
ways to decrease the pain? Some Fearless-ebook/dp/B07KFRHGY9 what is most important to you. And
people are afraid of doctors, and as you live side-by-side with the
afraid of what changes they must If I may, I would like to introduce idea of death, you can replace fear
make. Those people opt to live with you to Sitting with Death: Buddhist with a peaceful acceptance of the
the pain. Insights to Help You Face Your Fears impermanence of all living things.
and Live a Peaceful Life. This is a And from that peaceful acceptance
Buddhism is about recognizing that continuation of my work and is can come the ability to live and love
there is suffering, for the purpose based on interviews with twelve without attachment. And that is a
of transcending that suffering. Buddhist teachers. Monks, nuns, release from suffering.
To recognize this is to be open to and laypeople. With the goal of
looking for a way out. helping us understand what their Thank you so much for asking
experiences with death and grief such insightful questions, and for
You wrote “Carpooling with have been like, in order to give all allowing me to share with your
Death” about how living with of us insight into how we can train audience. May you all be well, may
death can make us stronger, for death. you all be happy, at ease, and free
wiser, and fearless about death from suffering. EH
and dying. Can you tell us briefly